29 days - 27 bike washes

because Bally's doesn't take kindly to carrying garbage pails of water through the Casino... :(

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Almost Home

Woke up to a dark and cloudy day, overcast but not raining, although it was promising to. We knew it was going to be a tough one. Fired up the bikes around 9am and headed east from Cofax, Iowa, (somewhere past Des Moines) and ran into a constant wall of rain. Just when you thought it couldn't rain any harder... it did...and it did again.

Spent about 2 hours in it and became soakeder and soakder. Ted's boots squished when we stopped for gas. The second time we stopped for gas we also stopped for lunch... at Benningtons on I74 southbound in Davenport. Gotta love a warm restaurant with cold beer. Now everyone was squishing.

Took off again in the pouring rain (even harder this time). Gradually the clouds lifted and the sodden bikers gradually started to dry out. We actually managed to get in 738 km and crossed 4 states. We went though Iowa, Illinois, Indiana and ended up in Michigan.

Finally threw in the towel at Sturgis, Michigan where we looked forward to roadhouse food at Walsh's (Dave and Ted had stopped there in '07 on their way out West). But Walsh's had burned down, along with the only other good restaurant in town.

Saved by the bell, found a $50 hotel with Applebees across the street! Gotta love a warm restaurant with cold beer. Now it's late and we're not looking forward to our last day on the road. Expect to be in NF, ON tomorrow afternoon. Last post coming

Friday, July 10, 2009

July 9th

Our day began early with a startling clap of thunder that shook the ground at 6am. As we settled back to sleep, a pounding on the roof and building caused us to jump from our beds to the window in time to see golf ball sized hail pelting the hotel and ground. Tried to get pics but it was too dark. Ted has two lovely `character` dents in his front fender and Dave has a dent in his trailer to go along with the scratch from the low flying duck that hit us last week. The damage was minor compared to the numerous front and back windows of vehicles that were smashed.

We hunkered in until the torrential rains passed, then suited up and hit the road. As we drove, the skies cleared and eventually we stripped down as the temps hit high 80`s.

Sadly - we are heading east toward home and the end of our 2009 adventure.

Stopped in Madison County to check out the bridges from the movie `Bridges of Madison County`. There are 6 covered bridges and we saw all of them. Was disappointing to discover each bridge was the same, only the location was different. But great to see them and read all the postings people have written on walls over the years.

On to Butt F?"/$* Iowa for the night, checking the weather and hoping to miss the severe storms passing thru tonight and tomorrow.