29 days - 27 bike washes

because Bally's doesn't take kindly to carrying garbage pails of water through the Casino... :(

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Just when I thought I wanted a Harley...


Guess Who?!

The Man-Chair

Ok, here's the ultimate man-chair. We're calling it "The Aldo".

It even has a doorbell installed under the arm for summoning your beer-slave. And when you get a little sleepy from watching TV, she can just wheel you down the hall and tuck you into bed.

See how I take care of him? I think we'll be alright.

March 26, 2007

Hi Dave,

I was at the passport office today getting Carol's passport, and there were some brochures I thought might be helpful.

The first one was "A Guide To Canadians Imprisoned Abroad" and has lots of handy tips like "shut your f**kin' mouth", and "get a lawyer" and stuff like that. I got that one for us.

The second one was "A Guide To Canadian Prison Guards Imprisoned Abroad" but when I opened it, it just said "You're f**ked". I figured you could just remember that so I didn't pick it up.

The last one was "A Guide To Canadians Travelling With Canadian Prison Guards Imprisoned Abroad... that one was quite helpful.. it said "I never saw this f**kin' guy before in my life...." (memorized that while in line, so I left it behind too)
