29 days - 27 bike washes

because Bally's doesn't take kindly to carrying garbage pails of water through the Casino... :(

Sunday, April 29, 2007

See how I take care of him? I think we'll be alright.

March 26, 2007

Hi Dave,

I was at the passport office today getting Carol's passport, and there were some brochures I thought might be helpful.

The first one was "A Guide To Canadians Imprisoned Abroad" and has lots of handy tips like "shut your f**kin' mouth", and "get a lawyer" and stuff like that. I got that one for us.

The second one was "A Guide To Canadian Prison Guards Imprisoned Abroad" but when I opened it, it just said "You're f**ked". I figured you could just remember that so I didn't pick it up.

The last one was "A Guide To Canadians Travelling With Canadian Prison Guards Imprisoned Abroad... that one was quite helpful.. it said "I never saw this f**kin' guy before in my life...." (memorized that while in line, so I left it behind too)



Six West said...

I be thinking there are two guys who may get into waaaaaay too much trouble - BEFORE Denver.

Six West said...

Hmmmm - if there is no one in Denver to pick up Carol and Brenda, guess they will have an adventure on their own ... Thelma and Louises Denver adventure!!! Yahhhh.

Six West said...

the funeral director will be looking for you guys if you leave the girls behind!!!!!!

Six West said...

Hi Everyone:

I'm so excited,,,if you wait for us in Denver ,,,i don't know when we'll be arriving,,so don't take off without us,,okay,,pleeeease,,
i'll bring treats and be the most perfect one.

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute....what do you mean pick up the wives in Denver? I thought that was just what you told them to get them to agree to let you go???

Anonymous said...

On second thought - don't let that Ivan come. If he joined you we KNOW there would be no one in Denver to pick up the wives. He'd tip the scales too far on the naughty side...!!!!

Six West said...

I can't beleive that about Ivan,,,you seemed so sweet when i met you at the 70's Dance with your cool baby blue shirt :O)

Anonymous said...

I just love a girl who signs her posts with a blowjob! :O)

Anonymous said...

That's our Rosie - a.k.a. SKANK

Anonymous said...

You see, I'm not near as naughty as Rosie and her fem posse.

Now, where was I.... Oh Yes... So tell me again how you are going to party like biker dudes, with the wives in tow!?! [me thinks the master planner had a brain fart]

Anonymous said...

Hey dad, sounds like you are havin a great time. mom can't wait to get going, and i can't wait to get her going ahah miss ya!

Anonymous said...

Hey Bren & Dave,

The pictures look amazing!! especially the one of CN Tower - she's quite something, must of been your pick Dave?? Mind still in the gutter eh?? Glad you found the girls safe& sound, cause you would of been stuck with 74 year young "Joyce". Tusacian Arizona, makes me want to plan a trip soon....the pictures are breath-taking...good luck with your flight back, and Dave keep finding those great bars, Blondies Pub & Grub, could of just went to Hooters in the Falls!!
Looks like your having a blast, can't wait to hear more, wish Carol luck with finding her perfect cactus....talk soon L-jp:)