29 days - 27 bike washes

because Bally's doesn't take kindly to carrying garbage pails of water through the Casino... :(

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Day five, where's the beer?

Ok, if I do one thing this vacation, I'm gonna turn Dave into an alcoholic...

We seem to be getting up early for no particular reason. Me, I wake up worrying about the bikes, Dave just wakes up.

Funny how we can be on the road less than an hour after we wake up. That'll change next week, hah hah, lol.

Drove all over town (Sturgis) looking for a breakfast joint, then ended up eating at a gas station / cafe just across the street from our motel. Then headed for Deadwood... What a great drive... a winding road through a valley with pine treed hills on both sides. Deadwood is a really neat town. That's where Wild Bill Hickock was shot, and buried. We had a beer in the saloon where he was shot, and then went up the mountain to visit his grave. It was sooo sad, we said goodbye to Wild Bill :'(

Then off again heading through Lead, then down highway 17 to Rochford.

Just couldn't resist stopping at this little saloon, the Moonshine Gulch something. You had to be there. Cooked burgers on a woodstove, old guys sitting at the bar, hundred year old wooden floors, you get the picture... here's the outside:

The drive down to Rochford was worth it.. lots of winding turns and smooth pavement. From there it was a gravel road back to 385, then a quick run down to see Mount Rushmore. It was smaller than I thought...I'll spare you the picture 'cause you've seen it before. It's about half the size of a football field, on it's side of course. And a bit commercial.. you pay for parking but admittance is free (?).

We were curious to compare the relative size of Mt. Rushmore with Crazy Horse, which was not easy since we were much further away from Crazy Horse. But to summarize, Mt. Rushmore would fit in Crazy Horse's head / hair. Here's Crazy Horse:

Crazy Horse is the one in the background... that's Dave in front, hah hah.

Hmmmm... then a hard choice... turn right or left? We turned left and went to Custer. A nice little town like the rest. Must be the day for shopping, we shopped for a motel, and shopped for dinner. Won on both. Best steak we've had yet at the Dark Horse Saloon.

Now even Dave's too tired to wash the bikes, so we just covered them and now it's time to crash.

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