29 days - 27 bike washes

because Bally's doesn't take kindly to carrying garbage pails of water through the Casino... :(

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Day two, everybody talks to me like I'm an idiot...

You'll notice from the map.. this is what happens when you navigate in small patches... tomorrow we'll unfold the whole map and pick a straight line... or maybe not.

Bikes were still there this morning, despite Ted's sleepless night. Dinner was so good last night that we went back and got drunk on the patio... if you can get drunk on Coke no ice -- Dave.

Internet sucked, so yesterday's post went up this evening.

Weather was good today, kinda overcast and looked like it might rain later but never did. Chicago sucked. Everyone we talked to said it would, and it did. Don't go there. Traffic was thick, even though it was Sunday, and construction everywhere. But we did get a glimpse of the Sears Tower.

We slowed down a bit today. Yesterday was 110 to 120km/hr, today was 100-110. A nicer drive.

As we left Chicago, we headed north to Rockford, then west. The countryside turned to rolling hills, something like Alberta. Very nice. Iowa is also very rolling, and cornfields everywhere.

Really weird people though, all the women lift their shirts for bikers. Dave almost went off the road a couple of times. Finally found a couple of chicks that were under 250 lbs, so picked them up. haha hhaah, just kidding.

Hundreds of bikes in Dubuque, don't know why. Perhaps someone with internet access and still at work can check for us. And while you're at it, Ivan, check and see if you can find out what's wrong with my windshield. I followed your advice and had that "birthmark" fixed, but now it's all curvy and different shaped. Can you tell what's wrong from looking at the picture below? or will you have to do some research? That's me on the left.

Well that's it for today. We're in Marshalltown, Iowa. Much nicer hotel room that last night at that place in Sturgis. And the internet works too!


Anonymous said...

Hi Guys - ya finally posted something...!!! Dave - cowboy up and start drinking some beer OR SOMETHING!!! LOL Let yer hair down and have a blast - Ted promises he won't take advantage of you if you pass out drunk. LOL LMAO. Glad to hear you are safe and sound - - - well - safe anyways. The sound is debateable with you two. Six days to go and your biker babes will be joining you - YIPPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEE...... Love B

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys!
Glad you're having fun...nice bike dad! I was looking on the internet and found a poker run close to where you guys were on Saturday and Sunday http://www.jpcycles.com/motorcycleEventDetail.aspx?eventId=9931
dad I tried to call your cell early Saturday morning to say bye but mom said your cell was in the car :(
Anyways have a good ride today! Back to work for me...career girl now!
Love ya, Elle

Six West said...

Hi Guys,,,,i miss you,,,
WOW,,are you guys having fun or what ,,,way to go,,you guys deserve it,,,we can't wait to join up with you,,,GOD BLESS,,dave i got a blessing from the catholic priest that comes here to the detention centre,,he going to keep us all in his prayers,,,WOW AY!!!!

by the way,,My father got his license,,YIPEEE,,he's so happy,,,me too :O) :O)

Anonymous said...

HI guys
its Momma biker
Heard thorough the grape vine that you were having fun...gee I wonder why.
Can't wait you join you in 5 days.
Stay clean and safe until then...I mean with shirts over their heads
Keep the bloggers happy

Anonymous said...

Dubuque was likely having a test ride day. Felt sorry for the birthmarked one, and offered up a test ride for him to drool at. The bike suits you Ted. But alas Honda loyalty will keep you from straying. One can dream, I suppose.