29 days - 27 bike washes

because Bally's doesn't take kindly to carrying garbage pails of water through the Casino... :(

Saturday, June 30, 2007


Friday morning the guys had to take off early and get their bikes serviced, and left Brenda and me lounging in the sun, by the pool. It’s OK, please don’t rush, we can entertain ourselves…there are still a few Smirnoff slushies in the freezer from last night.

It was tough, but we got on the road around 2:30 pm. Brenda brought it to our attention that some of us, and close friends, will be able to enjoy the Seniors discount at Denny’s soon….it starts at 55!! Now that’s depressing.

Finally getting to enjoy the warmth and the sun of California!!! Today we continued to head south and stopped at the Sequoia National Park this afternoon. NO rush now as we are only 380 miles from Vegas and :o( heading home Sunday
Travelled again through some of the most lush farm land ever, orchards upon orchards of all different kinds of fruit trees, vineyards not only for wine but raisins too- saw the “Sunkist” sign. Rolling valleys with soooo many horse ranches. Oh to be young again.

Actually saw a ranch with Brahma bulls on it.

King canyon and Sequoia National Park was a spectacular 80 km twisting winding road through a enchanted forest of ancient giant trees. The Sequoias are estimated to be 3200 years old and up to 40 feet in diameter.

(Ted: what an amazing feeling walking up and touching a living thing 3,000 years old. I just stood there with my hand on it... The bark was soft on the outside, and almost sounded hollow when you knocked on them.. but you knew they weren't 'cause they were 40 feet thick...)

Kings canyon rises up to 14,000 ft. and it spans from low foothills with shady forests to majestic peaks of the High Sierra’s. We stopped off and got some great pictures; even saw 2 does feeding in the forest. Winding our way down to the bottom, we careened around 10 MPH turns on an 8 % grade. Found our way to the bottom of the valley to a little Inn with beer and terribly slow service. Oh well, the beer was still cold.

Then a nice easy warm moonlit drive to Versalia to the Econolodge for a nightcap of Bud lite and Smirnoff ice… Vegas tomorrow, then home for the girls on Sunday!

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