29 days - 27 bike washes

because Bally's doesn't take kindly to carrying garbage pails of water through the Casino... :(

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


First and most important – if anyone says it’s hot in California, they are pullin’ yer (@#*&%#$%&……!!!!!! Holy crap – it was mid 60’s here today on the coast. We all had our coats and pants on at the beach watching the surfers – crazy Canooks. We are thinking it could be a result of just coming from the Mojave Desert and 120 degree heat that has worn down our resistance. Regardless – much to our brrrrrrrrr chilly dismay – it is cool here. So much for bikinis and suntanning on the beach.

Despite the temps, the scenery, homes and gardens are spectacular, with portulaca and wild oleander lining the sides of roadways. Cruising down streets bordered by huge palms, passing wrought iron gates standing as majestic sentry’s to the private estates beyond gave us a true sense of being in California.

The Santa Barbara coast was very cloudy, cool and foggy this morning. First clouds we had seen in more than a week. There was a salty mist in the air you could feel and taste. It eventually burned off as we travelled north. We stopped for lunch at the Santa Barbara Harbour and feasted on the best club house sandwiches ever. Hmmm – could the fact that we were sitting outside in California sunshine, overlooking the harbour been a contributing factor?????? After lunch we walked down the beach and dipped our feet in the Pacific for the first time since leaving Ontario and toasted the success of our trip and reaching it safely.

We passed acres and acres of broccoli, lemon trees, vineyards, and strawberries. After going by the fields of strawberries and the wonderful smell of them, we were all craving strawberry shortcake.

Headed north to Pismo Beach for supper and a walk on the pier. This is where we enjoyed watching the surfers.
The waves were not huge, but they managed to catch the curl for some short rides. Supper was delicious at the Pier Side Restaurant, overlooking the ocean at sunset. A memorable meal to mark Rose and Aldo’s final dinner with us and to celebrate Rosie’s upcoming birthday. After fully suiting up AND confiscating Dave’s socks for the girls to wear with their flip flops, we had a chilly 20 minute ride back to our hotel. Pretty sad state of affairs to have the heat on instead of the air-conditioning . Even sadder that we will have to say goodbye to one third of the Six West Coasters in the morning. Guess we’ll have to party hearty tonight and send them off in style.

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