29 days - 27 bike washes

because Bally's doesn't take kindly to carrying garbage pails of water through the Casino... :(

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Sunday...the continental divide

By Carol: Leaving Salida, we travelled through the Monarch pass, the continental divide, shot a few pictures standing with the Pacific and Atlantic signs behind us. Stopping in a little town of Montrose for our ritual afternoon beer, we find Rose chatting up 3 Biker gang ZZ Top guys at the bar, telling them we’re friendly Canadians. When the “Enforcer” joined us at our table to chat and give us directions, we didn’t notice Dave slipping off his “Blue Knights” vest and quietly sipping his beer. Despite his dubious reputation, he did give us great direction and advised us to take Hwy 550- 35 miles of climbing, twisting, winding 10-15 mph hair pin turns or as Ellie taught us in Alberta “switch-backs”.

(note: this guy actually was an enforcer for the Bandidos, nice friends Rosie)

The view was absolutely breathtaking; guard rails which were certainly optional and often missing. When the only thing on the edge if the road is the painted line and then it drops off into abyss…it gives your stomach a lift…especially on a bike. Lots of horse ranches everywhere…Oh Ellie you would love it here…lots of pick ups and cowboys. Everybody has a cowboy hat on.

Arriving in Durango around 8:30 pm we set up camp at a motel run by a left over hippy with really bad reverse highlights. Still no internet connection so now day 2 without “Blogging”. Supper was at the Texas BBQ which was a indoor-outdoor bar/patio made out of an old garage with great ambiance and food.

We have been meeting lots of lovely friendly travellers who are fascinated that the 6 West coasters were travelling all the way from Canada. The country side was very familiar to that of the Okanogan Valley in BC, lush mountain range on one side of the Hwy and arid desert with distant buttes.

Everywhere we went celebration for Fathers Day were in progress, and so were our Dads …doing what they love to do…biking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.