29 days - 27 bike washes

because Bally's doesn't take kindly to carrying garbage pails of water through the Casino... :(

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Wednesday, very excited aboot San Francisco

(Ted) Got up this morning in Monterey, not really looking like the Monterey I pictured. We stayed in a hotel across from a Kawasaki/Honda dealer in an industrial part of town... the consequences of looking for bargains. Dave changed his oil, and I tried vigorously to remove the white slimy film from the motorcycle that had strangely collected on our trip along the coast yesterday.

We packed up and left.. headed kinda downtown to Cannery Row / Fisherman's Wharf. Now this is the Monterey we pictured. We walked and shopped for souvenirs (fun, wow), then went for beer and lunch (funner). It has a really nice shore access between restaurants and hotels, with a view to the north of a VERY long stretch of beach/dunes, although I'm not sure how much use it gets because of the cool weather.

Left Monterey after lunch and had an uneventful drive, save for a couple of spots where the road was two lanes and twisty (going into Half Moon Bay just south of San Fran). Drove straight to the Golden Gate bridge and stopped for pictures. Was still cool, and VERY windy. Many windsurfers on the bay, and a couple of whatchamacallits (surfers with parachutes) going sixty miles an hour!

Set the GPS for Lombard and Hyde so we could ride down the famous Lombard hill. It was a VERY steep climb up, then an even steeper plus twisty ride down... this picture really doesn't show it well, but it was almost straight down...

Headed over to Fisherman's Wharf from there, parked and walked. THIS is San Francisco... smelly curbside restaurants serving all manner of seafood to eat-in-hand. Had supper at Joe's Crab Shack and almost got tanked on coloured drinks with little sticks in them... Dave had two.
Later found a hotel on Lombard street... quite a busy strip. Heard from Rose and Aldo; they are near Las Vegas, and a day ahead of schedule heading back to Denver. Safe trip guys!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yea, another chapter. So good to hear that you are all well and having a great time. Finished work and are heading up north tomorrow.
Have a great rest of the trip and will chat when we see you.
L & J