29 days - 27 bike washes

because Bally's doesn't take kindly to carrying garbage pails of water through the Casino... :(

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Avolio’s Recap

Finally, at Ted’s request and as lucky to be part of the “Six West Coasters”, I thought I’d give you my impression of the trip in just a few short words… :)

It began when Aldo decided at the last minute to take an extra night shift off and leave ½ day early as we were trailering our bike with the car so that we would have plenty of time to get to Denver to surprise the girls at the airport Saturday morning. We also promised to call the guys Friday evening as to our whereabouts. As it turned out, it was Thursday evening about 7:00 pm, I got on our On Star GM Car phone and called the boys, needless to say they were very shocked and surprised to find out we were only 2 hrs. from Denver. At that time they were in Wyoming so we met ½ way in Cheyenne and thus began our wonderful vacation “2 days early”.

We managed to, in 14 short days pack a lifetime of breathtaking scenery that has no comparison. “Friends” that could only be described as lifelong and forever.
We met the most amazing diverse people along the way too. And last but certainly not least, food, (especially the Ribs), that only I could describe as “To Die For” and I have the pictures to prove it. :O)

Even though we had to leave 5 days early to pick up the car, and trailer to make it home in time to go back to work, I would say my favourite part would be “Everything” as I had no idea what to expect and if we would even get as far as we did. Now, on the other hand, Aldo’s least favourite part would be the gentle spills (x 2), he took on Santa Monica Drive where he’s still blaming me for “trying to kill him” and Dave for “cutting him off”,

and from over packing the back pack with clothes and amenities, not to mention the Grand Canyon rocks and other rocks gathered along the way cuz I had to have one rock from every state.

And hey, I would do it over again in a heartbeat but this time different, much bigger bike. no trailer or GM vehicle or better yet same bike different driver, get it Aldo?

Thank you my wonderful friends.

Till the next grand adventure!


1 comment:

Six West said...

Awww Rosie, what a beautiful summary. It brought tears to my eyes... :'( Thank you soooo much for being there.