29 days - 27 bike washes

because Bally's doesn't take kindly to carrying garbage pails of water through the Casino... :(

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Beartooth Pass here we come

Tues June 30.09

Leaving Cody behind us, we headed northwest on the Chief Joseph Scenic Hwy towards Beartooth pass. Another day of incredible views of vast valleys, lush meadows, rock crags, canyons, majestic snow capped mountains .....very humbling .

Its difficult to describe the overwhelming----sensations you experience on a bike trip like this. Every sense is alerted with the smells of the pine and evergreen forest, the subtle changes in temperature, the cool fresh breeze,the 360 degree view of the mountains. You become part of the experience...much better than looking through the side window of a minivan..LOL.

We reached the west summit of Beartooth Pass after noon and before the rain hit. On our way back we stopped at a crystal mountain lake for our 2009 signature picture.

Heading back down the mountain we encountered an amazing waterfall...screech....get the camera Bren.

Early end to the day in Cooke City, Montana as it is the last stop before Yellowstone Park tomorrow to see Yogi and Boo Boo bear. Fortunately for us it was happy hour at the Miner Saloon with beer for $1.00 and the best pizza we have ever had.


Vicki said...

Hi gang - glad you're seeing such great sights. Miss you but can tell from your pics and great descriptive narrative that all is better than well. My only request is that you get into a bar room brawl or get kicked out of a saloon - it's on my life list so thought i could experience it through the blog without actually going to jail! Wishing you great adventures. Love, Vicki

Anonymous said...

looks like the boys are either wearing big sweaters or need to cut back on the beers lol