29 days - 27 bike washes

because Bally's doesn't take kindly to carrying garbage pails of water through the Casino... :(

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Day Two, Everybody Talks to Me Like I'm an Idiot :(

So I'm wondering if it's old age, or just the fact that I've been getting up at 5am for work for the past six months, but I appear to be unable to sleep in. Dave, on the other hand, appears unable to get to sleep before 2am. We've officially switched clocks.

On our last trip, I vowed to turn Dave into an alcoholic. I believe I succeeded. This morning he was beaming. He said "Those beers went down pretty good last night!". Ah-hah. How many did you have? "Two!". Great Dave, welcome to AA.

Side effect of me waking up early... we were on the road at 8am. A warm but overcast morning, no traffic heading into Indianapolis. Straight through no problem. Killed two tanks of gas, then stopped for lunch in some little town, just big enough to have an Applebee's (our standby), and were served by little Miss. Hickey-Chick, a bi-lateral hickied waitress who, in explaining the circumstances to customers at her tables, blamed it on her curling iron. Spaz.

Back on the road, feeling good, but it was friggin' hot. 37 degrees. Stopped every couple of hours for water and a break... At one rest area we met a couple from Pennsylvania.

They asked us "Where you headed?"

We replied - Dodge City, then Wyoming.

"So are we! Where in Wyoming?"


"Us too!"

We're going to South Dakota first, the black hills.

"Us too!, how long?"

Three weeks.

"Us too!"

After a while, I began to wonder if maybe they were just a couple of locals and weren't really going anywhere, just wanted to f**k with us. Hope so, they weren't someone we relished running into constantly for the next three weeks anyway :(

At the same rest stop, another skinny guy with tattoos came over and asked us if it was hot. Um... yeah? He asked where we were going and how long.. he said he was on a one week motorcycle vacation and had been on the road two days... from Pittsburgh so far (we were just outside Kansas City). Said he was headed to San Diego and back to Pittsburgh. Okay, think about that for a minute.

Anyway, it was a very very hot afternoon which we survived by drinking copious amounts of water, juice, and gatorade. No beer... we learned that lesson last time.

Pulled into Ottawa, Kansas (no kidding) at 7:00pm. Air conditioned room, pool (which we used... was the BEST), then walked down to the steakhouse buffet where it was all you can eat steak and ribs buffet for $10. Met several 750lb Americans. Probably the only place they can afford to eat.

Back in the room now, blogging, drinking beer, and ready to crash. Sorry, no pics today. We've been lazy with the camera, but really nothing to see. We've been on the road two long days and it still looks like Ontario.

800kms yesterday, 950 today, and 500 left to Dodge City. We'll be there by noon tomorrow (get it?). Probably expecting us.

Promise to take pics tomorrow. Stay tuned :)


Anonymous said...

Damn - wish we were with ya - sounds like some good tanning weather .... LOL
I'm betting you guys are luvvin the Bushtecs with the coolers ... 37 deg .. no prob when ya have a cold one at hand!!! Can't wait to join ya and share the fun.....xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys,,,sounds like you're having quite the adventure,,,are you missing the wives yet??? :O)
and i'd like to see some food pictures please,,that all-you-can- eat steak and ribs sounds yummy,,bring me back some
love you guys,,be careful,,oh and Ted don't worry, i got Dave blessed by the catholic priest before he left on thursday so you should be okay for the rest of the trip,,your welcome,,,