29 days - 27 bike washes

because Bally's doesn't take kindly to carrying garbage pails of water through the Casino... :(

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I don't have much to say about Kansas and Nebraska except I don't have much to say about Kansas and Nebraska.

Dodge City was ok, but not stellar. For a town of this size, we were surprised how tiny the "Wild West" part was. Just a single row of pretenda stores with a boardwalk. After the dinner and show, there wasn't really anything more to see.

So this morning, up and off we went. Still really hot... over 30c when we left at 9:00am, and it got hotter as the day went on. Drove straight north on the 183, stopped for gas, then north on 183, stopped for gas, then north on183, stopped for gas.... you get the picture.

The roads were all good, and the scenery, while repetitive was good too. Lots of rolling hills, then flatlands, then rolling hills, then flatlands. then rolling hills... you get the picture.

Pulled into Valentine, Nebraska around 6:00pm and headed straight into George's Mule Bar for a beer. There was only one other guy in there and he looked like he'd been welded to the bar stool. But the beer was cold and the bartender recommended the Cedar Canyon for steak. Tried the other bar in town after supper, the Skylite, but this time there wasn't anyone else in there. Played pool (Dave won, of course, a sign of a mis-spent youth), then headed back to the hotel to turn in.

One thing I forgot to mention the other day. It's very weird when you go in to the all-you-can-eat buffet, and the cute young cashier seems to feel she needs to tell you that it's only 8.99 for seniors. It's also very weird when you go in to the hotel, and the cute young desk clerk seems to feel she needs to ask you if you boys want one bed or two.

And that's all I have to say about that.


Anonymous said...

ohhhhhh my god you guys are so funny
soooooooooooo that's what happens in the Wild Wild West,,,you guys get older and are "Gay" now,,I kinda thought so.. (__O__)
hee hee
be careful sweethearts,,take care of each other ,,k
God speed

Anonymous said...

When did Dave & Ted come out? It's not like we couldn't tell. Dave's lisp, and Ted's walk always gave it away.

Anonymous said...

get the picture,,,,,FOOD,,,where are they,,you talk about it all the time,,,i'm waiting.....

i love you (_o_)

say hi to the Girls when you pick them up,,,it's today,,,don't forget them...
did i say i love you

HAVE FUN 6 West Coasters minus 2(for now) :O)