29 days - 27 bike washes

because Bally's doesn't take kindly to carrying garbage pails of water through the Casino... :(

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Monday's Blog

Another scenic drive west from Sheridan to Cody, up and over Big Horn Montain range -elevation 8450 with snow capped peaks. Stumbled across Shell Falls, a beautiful waterfall tumbling 120 ft down into Shell Creek, which wound its way alongside the road to the bottom of the canyon.

Travelling through the canyon was akin to what one would expect to see driving to the bottom of the Grand Canyon. Dramatic rock cuts winding through canyons to a mountain fed river. Heading towards Cody we happened onto the hamlet of Shell, population of 50!!!! Other than the post office and gas station, the local watering hole boasting beer and burgers was...closed cause it was Monday.

So what else is a hot thirsty biker with a trailer full of cold beer to do, but make themselves at home on the patio. Out came the peanuts...on came the tunes...and down went the beer! After enjoying the lovely sun filled afternoon, the owner came out, smiling and telling us to "tear it up"

Only in small town USA!

On into Cody we finaly found a place to stay and headed to Irma's saloon, the historical hotel built by Buffalo BILL Cody in 1903 during the height of his wild west show. Cody is still the host of these wild west shows nightly.

Off to the Cody Nites Rodeo with event riders coming from all over the Us. What a blast...the best part of the rodeo was watching the young kids compete. Unfortunately we are missing the annual PRCA rodeo Juky 1-5th. Maybe next time.

Back to the motel for outside patio party and foolishness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice pics lady
Have you ever thought about writting a book
The way you speak about your travels draws the reader into the story

Looks like evryone is having a great time

And the pictures are amazing
