29 days - 27 bike washes

because Bally's doesn't take kindly to carrying garbage pails of water through the Casino... :(

Friday, June 26, 2009

They're heeeeere...

Thursday. Girls are coming today. Last night Dave and I took the opportunity to get tanked. Spent waaay too long at the bar, then GPS'd the closest Applebees.

Got up early this morning to get in the lineup at Black Hills HD for a set of new tires. To their credit, I was done and out in less than 1.5 hours after the service department opened, which was a bonus since we had half expected to be there all morning. We spent the rest of the day wandering around Rapid City. Solved a couple of technical storage problems with help from Walmart and Lowes. Trailer are working great Ivan. Don't know they are there... till you need a cold beer.

Had a hearty lunch at Perkins Family Restaurant (note the "Family"... means no beer), but free wireless internet (where Dave wrote yesterday's blog). Then downtown at the recommendation of the buggy-eyed guy at Best-Buy to have a few beers at the Olde Firehouse microbrewery. Across the street was a guns and ammo store and we couldn't resist a tour. The guys behind the counter were more than happy to share their stories of death and destruction by firearm with the requisite relationship between guns and law and order pointed out at every opportunity. (Now we know it's better to go for the head shot if the bad guy has a gun on someone, because apparantly if you don't take out the brain stem, the other guy's gun will go off.)

Went to the airport later in the afternoon to pick up the girls. They had flown 3 legs to get here and were pretty tired. Dave and I dressed up for the special occasion.

Drove straight to Sturgis and checked in. Dinner was ribs at One-Eyed Jack's. Could have shot a cannon through the place. If you haven't been there, it's a huge bar that basically lives all year for that one week in August. There are 30 bars in the place. During bike week, they have between 110 and 115 waitresses on the floor.

And that's about it. Girls passed out around 10, Dave and I did laundry. (I drank, Dave folded.) Thanks Dave :)


Anonymous said...

Glad the trailers are working out. The ladies are so lucky that you two encourage shopping... ;-)

I'm just more of a horse with saddlebags kind of guy than a horse & buggy guy. (I figured you being in the wild west, this the best analogy to use).

Love the t-shirts. Have a blast, ride safe.

Anonymous said...

loved the shirts..you guys are bad..glad the girls got there and have a great time...looking forward to your daily journal...l&j