29 days - 27 bike washes

because Bally's doesn't take kindly to carrying garbage pails of water through the Casino... :(

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Good bye Yellowstone

July 2.09
Before geting out of Yellowstone we encountered every bikers nightmare...a thunderstorm with hail...nasty on the knuckles, eh guys!?!? Temperatures dropped from 22C to 8c in about 2 minutes and even though we were suited up, we stopped and ran for cover under the trees from the half inch pellets pounding us.

Headed south through the Grand Teton National Park which was to our amazement a completely new encounter of jagged, imposing mountains peaking at 13,000 ft. Got great pictures ... even backwards ... right Brenda??

World class fly fishing obviously attracts vacationers from all over the world as it has beautiful, shallow, winding streams loaded with trout. We saw remnants of the massive destruction of forest fires. Hundreds, maybe thousands of acres wiped out. So sad, yet already showing signs of life and new growth.

Arrived in Jackson Hole late afternoon. Similar town to Banff Springs ... population 8,500 and very touristy with upscale shopping and great resturants. Thurs night was quite an experience when we went to the Million Dollar Cowboy Bar. The seats at the bar are saddles and the walls are covered with "knobbled pine"....had a great evening of dinner and whupping the guys asses at pool (NOT!!!) :o)

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