29 days - 27 bike washes

because Bally's doesn't take kindly to carrying garbage pails of water through the Casino... :(

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

July 6th.

Heading north on the east side of Wyoming. Very different country side from the west side of the state...beautiful soft rolling hills, acres & acres of velvety grassland and hay fields. Not great for hayfever allergies.

While driving across the grasslands we got caught in the most torrential rain storm with hail again...this time we had no place to take cover so we just pressed on.....damn that stuff hurts.

Stopped in some nameless little town to hide from the rain that had just happened to be having happy hour...gotta love $1.75 beer.

Found us ending the day in Hot Springs SD. Found a steakhouse in an old hotel that had a rock in the middle of it. The rock was there when they dug the foundation (a hundred years ago) and proved too hard and big to remove so they left it. It currently rises up in the middle of the dining room. Ted tried again to order Elk, but they were out. But all in all, it was another great steak dinner.

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