29 days - 27 bike washes

because Bally's doesn't take kindly to carrying garbage pails of water through the Casino... :(

Friday, July 10, 2009

July 8th

Up and on the road heading to the infamous Highway 44 for a picture of everyone with a beer in the middle of the road. Had great fun setting up the tripod for all the pics - - - actually had to pause twice for a car!!!!

Stopped in the booming metropolis of Witten, SD - population 87. Found the `Blue Moon Saloon`. What a hoot. Was originally intended only as a pee break, but the place was so quaint, we ended up staying for a few beers, numerous tunes on the jukebox (thanks Ted) and a few games of electronic darts. None of us had played before so after some very serious instructions from the bartender, we finally caught on. Had an unexpected and delightful time.

Continued past farm after farm of gentle rolling hills full of crops and came upon a lake (Lake Francis), along the Missouri River. Stopped to stretch our legs and wet our toes in the warm lake water. We were surprised there was almost no development around this beautiful lake - only one house that we could see. What a perfect spot to build a home!!!

Rolled into Yankton, SD for the night and found the best buffet ever at a place called Jo Deans. The buffet was amazing with everything from seafood salad and crab legs, to sirloin steak, beef stroganoff, sirloin tips, (doncha love being in Black Angus beef country),ribs, prime rib, fresh turkey, all kinds of veggies, to homemade angel food cakes and fresh strawberries.

Needless to say - four Canucks waddled their fat asses back to the hotel and collapsed for the night. Only sound to be heard was groans of discomfort changing to sighs of relief as the pant buttons and zippers popped to allow the screaming tummys to escape. Ahhhhhh ..... and so ends yet another enjoyable day.

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