29 days - 27 bike washes

because Bally's doesn't take kindly to carrying garbage pails of water through the Casino... :(

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Day four, starting to relax

I think today can best be described as the day we really started to slow down, mentally anyway. We left Pickstown, which is really a fishing village, and headed slowly west.

Though the weather threatened all day, it just stayed overcast for the morning, cleared mid-day, and then.... well more on that later.

It's hard to explain how isolated and quiet this area is. We wondered what would happen if you went off the road, or ran out of gas or something. There's just no one around. You can drive for miles and miles and there are no other cars. Or stop by the side of the road for a beer and no one goes by. Like this...

Stopped for gas in Wanblee, a little village in the middle of an Indian reservation. It was the only gas stop, so we had to. Lots of broken down houses, but strangely enough, the post office was brandy-spankin' new.. go figure.

We just took our time and wound our way leisurely along Hwy 44 heading for the Badlands, which we reached early afternoon. What a neat place. Check out the video here.

Headed from there to Rapid City, but got caught in this huge rainstorm and high winds. Ted thought he was gonna run outta gas, but made it to New Underwood and had a beer while waiting for the rain to subside.

When we got to Rapid City, it had cleared and warmed up, so decided to continue on to Sturgis. Woohoo! Sturgis on Tuesday.. making GREAT time. Got a room in a little motel, and headed into town for supper.

Pretty quiet in town, no one here really. Must be saving their vacation time for Bike Week. Went to One-Eyed Jack's for beer and burgers. Good food, for sure, and a really huge place.

Ok, now we're tired. No internet at this little hotel, so you won't see this post until tomorrow. Heading for bed, but first, Dave shamed me into washing the bikes...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First of all, cool picture. When you get south farther, can you get a similar photo of you cooking an egg on the pavement?

Secondly... Not sure if they mentioned at the Harley Road Test Event, but, once you do the road test, YOU'RE SUPPOSE TO RETURN THE BIKE!!!

Someone has some explaining to do!