29 days - 27 bike washes

because Bally's doesn't take kindly to carrying garbage pails of water through the Casino... :(

Saturday, June 16, 2007

A day of extremes in driving

The next two maps (today and tomorrow) won't really show the miles we've put on. Many of the roads we travelled don't exist on CAA maps.

Started out by waking up at 6:00am. We must be getting old.

Washed the bikes, had toast on the "patio", then headed on over to Custer State Park. Sounded so-so from the brochure, but the park was really interesting. It's a free-roaming animal park, with deer and bison, and of course, prairie dogs. There are apparantly 1500 bison in the park, and we saw a half dozen of them.

Dave wondered where the hell you hide 1500 bison. We never found out.

After doing the animal loop, we headed up to Needles Highway. It was the tightest drive we've ever done. It's about 15 miles of really narrow two-lane highway with short turns and no shoulders. Quite a challenge driving. It's one of those highways where the passenger sees stunning scenery and the driver only sees road.

Went back to Custer for lunch, which consisted of beer and some food, beer being the operative substance now. One more week and I'll have Dave ready for AA.

We both agreed it was one of the best drives yet.

After lunch, we headed south eventually leaving the Black Hills (of South Dakota), going through Hot Springs, then into rolling prairie down into Ardmore then crossing into Nebraska. Stopped in Crawford, but there were no saloons to be seen. You know you are in a really small mid-western town when there is a poster on a stand in the middle of the 4-corners of town advertising a high-school something or other event. Nice people, and the coke instead of beer was a welcome relief. Dave, I just can't drink as much as you....

If you look really hard (click on the picture below), you can see the high-school ad sign in the middle of the 4 corners, just in front of the metal silo on the right, a car is also coming around the corner... must have been rush hour)

We headed west on highway 20 into Wyoming, stopped in Lusk for gas, then south on 85 to Lingle. You should know there is a bar in Lingle called The Bitch's Corner Bar, wherein there is a local who knows all the Canadian provinces and territories. (he told us). Dave found the place, and led us in. It was happy hour, and we got our second round for free. The first one cost $2.50 (for two beers). What's wrong with Canada?

Then headed south trying to make Cheyenne by sundown. We made it and holed up around 9:00pm, pretty tired from the day. CAA map (see above) shows about 585 kms, but that doesn't include the two park runs and back to Custer. We were burnt (tired). But it was a day of contrasts in driving... the morning was exceptional with Custer State Park, Needles Highway, and the Black Hills. The afternoon was exceptionally boring, saved only by the town of Crawford, and the Bitches Corner Bar in Lingle, Wyoming.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

See you should have brought a gun could have shot a bison lol