29 days - 27 bike washes

because Bally's doesn't take kindly to carrying garbage pails of water through the Casino... :(

Monday, June 11, 2007

Day three, wherein he calls me a girl

The bridges of Madison county are stunning. Set among the stately oak trees of Iowa, they summon memories of long ago times with horse drawn carriages and slower lifestyles. At least they would have been stunning had we gotten to see them.

So we decided to head cross-country this morning from Marshalltown because we were getting tired of interstates, and we had all day to day to get to Sioux City before my bike service appt. tomorrow. Except that at every stop, Dave called me a girl for wanting to see these "Chick Bridges". I'm not sure if it was the suggestion that we could get west quicker if we got the bike serviced today, or if I was afraid he'd call me a girl again, but I succumbed and called Roosters. What a great place. They agreed to take the bike in at 2:00 today, instead of tomorrow. Now we are at least a half day ahead of schedule!!....

On the way up I29, we stopped at a little off-the-beaten-path gas station / grocery store where they had accents like the people in the hometown in Poop Floats. The lady in line ahead of us... her name was Bertie, if you can believe it. The radio was playing that non-descript country music. It was so Americana it was unreal. You just have to see / hear some of this stuff to believe it.
The countryside was much like Ontario, as we expected. But as we turned north on Interstate 29 heading for Sioux City, it was a very flat valley, flanked by bluffs. Very windy on the way up, and again on the way west when we left I-29 and took Hwy 50 toward Yanketown. But we started to slow the pace this afternoon.
So here's the map of today's progress... 635km, pretty good considering we stopped for 2-3 hours for a service call.


Anonymous said...

I'm crushed Dave that you didnt want to see the Bridges of Madison county. Are you not secure with YOUR male side???
Glad to hear you are making good time and no trouble getting to your apt. Whats on the horizon for today...
"Bertie", thats unbelievable- I'll bet there's lots of them in the mid-west. SSDD in Ont-getting anxious to get on that plane. ttfn ma

Anonymous said...

Great chatting with you tonight, albeit short. Looks like Ivan left ya a message on your Day 2 post. :O) Only 85 hours of male bonding left then ya pick up your biker babes..!!! Pitter patter - party hearty. Is it true the women are lifting their shirts or are ya messin' with our heads?? Doesn't take much ya know.....love B

Anonymous said...

Hey you guys sound like you are having a great time. Take care
L & J

Anonymous said...

What!!! No post yesterday Dad? It is the highlight of my day you know!

Anonymous said...

hey dad sounds like your having a good time...make sure to spread crazy facts about canadians to our neighbours ie. we all live in igloos and you had to take the tracks off your bike and switch to wheels at the border lol dano and i took the starter off the boat last nite...took about half an hour but i was covered in bilg sludge and boat seamen haha im having it rebuilt today so we should be able to put it on tonight if all goes well. tell dave that "chick bridges" are where the chicks hang out so really its not gay to visit them haha its actually a pretty slick idea.
youre the man cool guy!
love sandy

Anonymous said...

Hey guys - Ivan and Tracy are going to Port Dover on Friday July 13th and want to know if we all want to go. Any takers? Would be a blast if we all go.