29 days - 27 bike washes

because Bally's doesn't take kindly to carrying garbage pails of water through the Casino... :(

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Saturday, is it hot enough for you Dave??

By Carol & Rose
Sat morning (June 22.07) we were able to up and on the road by 8:45.believe it or not….. Forfeited the MacDonald’s breakfast, and stopped at a little gas station with an Indian art store attached…great breakfast. Aldo, despite his heart burn, had a jumbo hot dog for “breakie”. Thank God for I-pod’s and good music…we had no idea what was ahead if us. Horse & cow ranches were everywhere…made you feel like long ago with no boundaries to guide you. Boredom was not a problem here. There were so many cacti growing wild on the side of the mountains…not the ones that Carol was hoping for, but many different varieties. There were silver dollar, red globe cactus and tree-like Yuka’s, but still not the one she wanted. A lady we met in the gas bar told us that the big tall ones (Saguaro’s) were now endangered and protected. The Arizona states symbol is becoming extinct. As all good things, we must protect them.

We headed to California…Brenda will have to wait for the spontaneous dip in the spring, like in the movie “Road Hog’s”…the only one she will be close to are “Peach Spring” and “Silver Spring” exit signs on the side of the road.

Boy, you can tell we are now in California….gas has jumped to double the $$...now $4.59/gal……. We are the crazy Canuks…the only one stupid enough to be in the Mojave Desert during major heat spell between 12-4:30 pm…….are we nuts…YES!!!!!!! Temps today soared over 100F, not counting the radiant heat. Rosie has proof….burnt shins and a picture. The local’s were laughing at us as they sat in their AC homes sipping beer. Well we fooled them…we made it to a sports bar in Barstow at 6 pm and the beer was good and cold.
Supper was something other than ribs tonight…we decided on Mexican and had great fajitas and burritos.

We’re afraid that we may be running out of time with Rose and Aldo, that they have to turn back soon to make it to Denver and get home for work next week. Aldo keep forgetting to call his boss and ask for an extra day just in case. SO for now we just are nestled down in a nice AC motel room with internet……finally.

Hey Dana, a while back I forgot to mention and Carol spotted a “Dingo,,,that ate my baby” first in Australia and now in Colorado, and unfortunetly Marie, I haven’t been eaten by anyone of those hillbillies you mentioned, but we’re not quite done our vacation just yet. Time is flying. And Pam you would love it here it’s so dry, not humid one bit!! Take care guys, and say hi to everyone for me, a special Hi to Sue, Barb and Denise and the rest of he gang. How’s it going? and Dave misses you guys too and can’t wait to get back to work,,,yaaa right!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys, Thanks for remembering our names....I'm so happy to hear you made it to the coast, isn't it beautiful!! I wish I was there, it's getting hotter and hotter here too! Nothing really new at work Lordy, just a dead Inmate, heart attack or something...HK!!
Don't forget to slather on the SPF, we don't want you coming back all wrinkled up and crispified!! Miss you lots, it's way to quiet and boring without your laugh. We miss you too Davey, even though I know you don't miss us! (Can't say that I blame you.) Have lots more fun and continue to stay safe!

Luv ya all,
Dana xo