29 days - 27 bike washes

because Bally's doesn't take kindly to carrying garbage pails of water through the Casino... :(

Sunday, June 24, 2007


Had a great breakfast at “Goldie’s Diner”. What a step back in time……..!!! It is a replica of an old 50’s diner with Rock n Roll memorabilia everywhere. The setting was nostalgic and the food was excellent. Our 74 years young waitress, Joyce, was delightful. Funny, spunky and more than willing to have her picture taken with Rose and “Lucy”

After breakfast we headed over to a quaint train station that housed a steam engine train on which you could take a day trip to the Grand Canyon and back. Too bad we didn’t have more time. That would have been a scenic and fun way to spend a day. On the far side of the station, we viewed a staged old western style “shoot-out”. It was a well done and enjoyable show.

From there we headed to Sedona to take in the mammoth red rocks mountains/pillars that make the area famous. Driving in thru the town was a sightseeing trip on its own. Sedona puts Niagara-on-the-Lake to shame. It is so quaint and the landscaping, architecture and entire décor of the downtown is so upscale and complimentary to the area.

After a long hot ride there, we found a little bar and grill to quench our thirst and give us the energy boost we needed to tackle the heat outside again. WOW – is it hot down here. When we ventured out again, we headed to the airport for a helicopter ride of the area.

What a spectacular ride it was. IT lasted about 15 mins and the pilot gave us a guided commentary of the rock formations and all their names. The views were breathtaking, not to mention we had the opportunity to view the “celebrity area” with estates that had to be 6000 – 8000 sq feet and are home to Madonna, Al Pacino and likely others, but our pilot couldn’t think of any others.

Rose and Aldo tried to convert us by taking us to the chapel, Rose lite a candle in memory of all our mothers…how sweet. Carol was able to find another interesting cactus, although not the one she is looking for, they were growing wild on the side on the road in bunches. Really neat to see and continuing to hope for the real thing.

Another long and hot ride back to William Arizona to our great little motel-for a swim, beer, Smirnoff and supper (probably ribs again, eh Dave). Ted has to go across the road to the other motel to try and get wireless internet access to post this on the Blog. Again we found a fabulous diner for BBQ ribs; you wouldn’t have believed the size of them. Dave are you tires of ribs yet????
Friday night and there is a bar with live music across the road from us, our intentions are good but I have a feeling that we will poop out tonight.

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