29 days - 27 bike washes

because Bally's doesn't take kindly to carrying garbage pails of water through the Casino... :(

Saturday, June 30, 2007


No rush to get on the road this morning. Waking up in San Francisco was a surreal feeling, had to pinch ourselves a few times to make sure it wasn’t a dream. Decided since we were here we should do the touristy thing and ride the street cars. Hopped in the Market/Lombard route, that takes you up the steep hills, just like in the movies.
Wandered a bit down town, stopped in a sports bar for a beer (Oh no, its not even noon yet), had a bite to eat and then waited in line for the return trip back to Fisherman’s Wharf. What a rush!!!! This was the highlight of our trip for everyone. Got to sit on the outside of the street car and hang out to take a few pictures. Had to watch out that you didn’t get your head knocked with too close parked vans. Reluctantly, got back on the bikes about 2 PM, and started our trek south.

Headed out of the city via the San Francisco Bay Bridge towards Oakland and jumped back on the Interstate. We were supposed to be in Fresno earlier for Ted to have his bike serviced for the 8000km oil change. WOW, now that’s a few miles. We travelled through the most beautiful farm land imaginable. Donnie and Rhonda, you really need to sell the cows and quota and move here. You would have no problem cash or produce farming and never be cold again. They even have a town called Farmerville!!!! Mile after mile of fruit trees, as far as the eye could see, corn fields that were at least 20 feet high. You can see how agriculture is profitable here; they just continue to grow in the sun 12 months a year, no seasons or inclement weather to worry about. There was a 40 mile long Aqua-duct that ran along the highway that is used for irrigation. NO SNOW here!!!

When we were travelling through Sun Valley or AKA the “Big Valley” toward Stockton.…anyone remember the show with Barbara Stanwick, Linda Evans and Lee Majors? We saw hundreds of windmills on top of the rolling hills. All lined up like soldiers, working together in harmony. California is an amazing state for their re-energy eco-friendly programs.

Stopped at a Days Inn with a pool!!. Nothing washes off the road dirt like a quick dip before supper.

Early bedtime for everyone, especially after 2 “Super sized Bahama-mammas, eh Bren. Did anyone see the moon tonight?? I went outside about 10 pm and got a great picture. This is what a full moon on a cloudless night in California looks like.


Anonymous said...

Hi Guys - although you said it's realllly hot - I'd much rather be there than here. When do we leave for the next trip???? Drive safe and party hearty!!!! LOL - Bren

Anonymous said...

Okay ya fall downs - git yer butts in gear and blog us baby!!! Where the heck are you two??? We need info so put your creative, alcoholic heads together and start typin'... !!!!!
Remember the 'Enforcer' we met? What was it he had tattooed that indicated he had killed someone? Can't recall the name for it.

Anyhow - have a great time and ride safe guys. Sounds like ya might be home Saturday with the number of miles you are putting behind you each day. Don't forget to stop and smell the roses on this trip of a lifetime - 'kay??
Love Bren...xx