29 days - 27 bike washes

because Bally's doesn't take kindly to carrying garbage pails of water through the Casino... :(

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Tuesday and Wednesday

Posted by Brenda and Carol. Hi everyone – just want to let you know it is becoming a little more difficult to find time and internet to update the blog on a daily basis. So bear with us if we miss a day or two here and there.

Forgot to mention – Monday when we were coming thru the San Juan Mountains at an elevation of 12,000 feet it was breathtaking – not only the hairpin turns but the scenery.

Although our stay in Kayenta was a ‘dry’ one – the food was scrump-dilly-iscious. Best ribs any of us had ever had. The native service staff were more than a little reserved and unsmiling. Even Rosie’s exhuberant personality had no effect at getting a smile out of them or engaging in conversation. Was good to put that location behind us.

Tuesday we travelled thru the Navajo desert in temps in the low 100’s. Very hot and flat for as far as the eye could see. Visited the Petrified Forest and Painted Desert. Again, breathtaking scenery of the Painted Desert and the Petrified Forest was a pleasant surprise when we discovered how vast an area it covered. To think these huge boulders were once trees millions of years ago and now they are scattered rocks that still look like fallen trees. Until you actually touch them, it is hard to believe they are rock. Spectacular…!!!!!

Much to her screaming dismay, Rose discovered the local insects grow to be quite large when one decided to land on her boob. Of course, as we listened to her screams and watched her dancing in terror, no one had the heart to smack it off and send her foam bra sailing.

On Wednesday, we rode along the historic ROUTE 66 to Flagstaff, in search of new brakes for Dave’s rear end. Found a dealer in Flagstaff that had the parts and while Dave and Ted put them on in the parking lot, Aldo was inside trying to negotiate a deal on a brand new Nomad 1600. It was a done deal until he discovered he would have to continue on with no luggage rack. ROSIE put kaibosh on that deal pretty darn quick - she needs the room for stones!!!!! Maybe the next town will be more negotiable with our Italian cohort in crime.

Finally on the road again (after a hearty and liquid lunch) we arrived at the Grand Canyon about 4:30 and toured the south rim until sunset. Breathtaking is the only way to describe it. Along the way, from one lookout point to another, you travel thru heavy forest where we spotted a little coyote right next to road, eyeballing all the passerbys with a somewhat bored expression, and two elk….. one of which we caught on camera. Too bad we missed the little coyote as it was the perfect chance to catch him on film – only 5 feet away. Dammit – maybe next time.

Carol is still searching for the perfect cactus and we are now heading back to the Canyon for more sights. Chat at ya all later. Love everyone and miss you. Thanks for the comments and keep em coming – it is soooooo great to ‘connect’ with you via the blog – a bit of home. Thanks again.


Anonymous said...

Hey--maybe that bug that landed on Rosie was a Teet sie fly (groan). Glad you are having a good time and it is great that we can read all about your trip. Sure hope we can get together for some good photo night. Take care all of you.
L & J

Anonymous said...

Aldo... The Nomad is a great bike (show Ted what loyalty is all about), go for it, and stop letting Rose push you around. Be a man, swipe the card.

Anonymous said...

Didn't see the Roadrunner anywhere did ya? I always wanted whilie coyote to catch that $#@$%^% bird. Should try and drink the fluid from the cactus plant. Is it drinkable like they lead you to believe. Is there really such a thing as a blue cactus?? Bet the juice would taste good with tequila. Hope you guys continue to have a safe, memorable trip.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Tis January 16, 2011 as I look out on snow and 25 degrees. What a wonderful diary we created of a very special trip. So much fun to read and reminisce. Thanks to all of you for making it our trip of a lifetime
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