29 days - 27 bike washes

because Bally's doesn't take kindly to carrying garbage pails of water through the Casino... :(

Sunday, June 24, 2007


By Bren and Carol
Thursday (June 21.07), morning found us waking up in Tusayan Arizona, about 6 miles below the south rim of the Grand Canyon, Just had to take in the Imax theatre movie of the Grand Canyon-WOW it was amazing. Headed back to the Canyon to jump on the bus tours that take you to places that cars are not allowed. The changes in the topography and colours were just so hard to explain. WOW seems a bit understated. Standing on the edge of the canyon looking over the vastness, you can’t imagine what goes through your mind. The different rock levels cast new colour and tinges as the sun changes its hues.

Back to the village of Tusayan where we enjoyed (surprisingly) the best “Spaghetti Western” dinner imaginable. We were hesitant to venture in at first as somehow “spaghetti” and “western” don’t seem to go hand in hand. But the restaurant was lovely, lots of Remington statues and western décor, great food and excellent service. Carol found a gorgeous cowboy hat and wore it on the bike to our next destination – Williams.

What a quaint little town with everything geared to “Route 66” as it passes thru the main street. Our 1.5 hour drive from the Grand Canyon to Williams was done under a clear and starry night with the moon shining brightly over us. It was a lovely entrance to a wonderful little town in the mountains. Believe it or not but the temp dropped down to about 45F at night…BRRR!!!!!

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