29 days - 27 bike washes

because Bally's doesn't take kindly to carrying garbage pails of water through the Casino... :(

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Saturday... our last night (for the girls)

Stayed last night in a little town called Visalia, Ca. Stopped for a true Mexican breakfast in Delano @ “Costera”, of beer, burritos, enchiladas and tacos…and yes beer.

We decided to abort our trip to Death Valley today as the temp are to reach a roaring 48F…Yack, too hot. So instead we decided to haul ass to Las Vegas through the Mojave Desert, get there and relax by the pool for 24 hours. Now that’s a much smarter plan….??????

Coming through the mountains we saw row upon row of huge windmills. Brenda and I almost didn’t make it through the Desert this time. We had to make a few stops to refuel the electrolytes and ice bags. Temperatures were up to 48F (118 c), now that’s what you call GD hot. Heading through Baker Ca, a thermometer on the road side read 111F at 7 pm.

The only rewarding part of the trip today was after we crossed into Nevada, the temperature started to cool off and the Nevada sunset was beautiful.

Coming into Las Vegas at night time on a bike was a real experience


Anonymous said...

Hey - that's MY pic...!!! Cool...!! Safe travels guys.

Anonymous said...

Hope you guys are keeping the faith and riding with the doo-rags and no helmets now that you are out of California and Nevada.

Anonymous said...

All the comments so far on this one are from me. Did ya see the temp in Vegas???? 46 baking degress....!!! Good thing carol and I aren't with ya - we'd be puddles on the side of the highway. YUK !!!!.... Bren