29 days - 27 bike washes

because Bally's doesn't take kindly to carrying garbage pails of water through the Casino... :(

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Thursday, bible belt country

Well, if we're not saved now, we never will be. Every other billboard is aboot Jesus...

Ok, only two funny things happened today.

One, driving out of Tulsa, we ran into a downpour. That's not funny, but... so we stopped under an overpass for shelter and sat there for fifteen minutes waiting for the rain to stop.
As bad as it was getting sprayed by passing transports, we figured it was better than driving in the downpour. That's not funny either, but... so after the rain stopped, the road was still wet, but we decided to re-mount and take off. The funny part? 100 yards down the road, it was completely dry and hadn't rained at all. Wonder what the passing drivers thought aboot two Canuks hiding under an overpass when it wasn't raining on the other side.

Two, driving into Missouri, we saw lots of "single-wides"... those are trailer homes... mostly not so nice. That's not funny, but... Dave spotted one back from the road near some trees... a single-wide made out of a 48 foot tractor trailer with windows cut out of it. Now we've seen it all.

Sorry, that's it! But to thank you for tuning in today, here's a biker joke....

The biker lay sprawled across three entire seats in the posh Amarillo theatre.

When the usher came by and noticed this he whispered to the biker, "Sorry, sir, but you're only allowed one seat."

The biker groaned but didn't budge. The usher became more impatient.

"Sir, if you don't get up from there, I'm going to have to call the manager. The biker just groaned.

The usher marched briskly back up the aisle.

In a moment he returned with the manager. Together the two of them tried repeatedly to move the biker, but with no success.

Finally, they summoned the police. The cop surveyed the situation briefly then asked, "All right buddy, what's you're name?"

"Sam," the biker moaned.

"Where ya from, Sam?"

With pain in his voice Sam replied.... "The balcony."


Anonymous said...

That's great news guys. Rosie will be thrilled the two of you have seen the light and been saved!!!.....B

Anonymous said...

Wow - this story just hit the news..B

LAS VEGAS - A man on a walkway over the New York-New York casino floor opened fire on the gamblers below early Friday, wounding four people before he was tackled by officers and patrons, police said

Anonymous said...

Is that a piece of pavement on the side of that bike, with a crushed sidebag? Hmmm - looks like that bike was tipsy....B

Anonymous said...

OOOOOH my gawd!!!!!!!!!! -
do I ever feel STUPID!!!! Just realized that was the bike with the handicap sticker on the plate ..... DUH..!!! Here I am trying to figure out what you were referring to ....I'll just sign off now and go stand in the corner.

Anonymous said...

"Bible Belt Country",, WOW,,,we could of used that,,,have you seen the light??? finally ?? have you?? guys??? ,,yipee,,,you're now saved,,,on the way back at least,,i'll have to give you a rosary for the rest of the year,,,
and the story about the rain,,funny,,, but that's something i would do ,,i'm thinking God was sparing you from something and that's why you stayed in the shelter,,,so good for you guys,,,

by the way, i didn't get the joke guys,,that's hard to believe ay??? oh ,,wait a minute,,i just did,,,daaaaaaa
Rosie xoxoxoxo
i love you guys
bye bye

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing you will make it to Columbus, OH today or maybe Dayton if you want an easier day. From Columbus, you are only 354 miles away and I'll see ya around noon. Guess ya didn't stop to smell the roses much, did ya.... ya hardasses.