29 days - 27 bike washes

because Bally's doesn't take kindly to carrying garbage pails of water through the Casino... :(

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Wednesday, avoiding the rain

Today's objective was to avoid the rain. Headed out of Amarillo, then jogged northeast on hwy 60. An amazing 4 lane highway that is straight for as far as the eye can see. Signs say next town 10 miles away and you can see it...

It was a nice change from "Interstates" as the highway changed from empty 4-laners to emptier 2-laners, passing through small towns. Many of them were deserted today... seemed like the only ones with any activity were the ones with a restaurant or two... people were off today (July 4th) and everyone seemed to be going out for lunch, much to our dismay.

Tried to get into a restaurant in a place called Canadian, Texas (no kidding), but no luck. Moved on, with growly tummies, to Arnett, Oklahoma, where everyone speaks with that typical drawl.... two guys walked into the restaurant and one said to us "ah preezoom that yew fellers bee-long to them baks awout thare?"

You don't need to remember the name of the restaurant because it's the only one in Arnett, and it has one of the best hamburgers we've had anywere on the planet... and for only $2.60. No kidding.

Passing into Oklahoma, there were some more "buttes" (sp?), but these were made of red red earth, covered sporadically with green grass and shrubs. This must be where Vinny got mud in his tires. Here's a couple of pics, plus one of Dave taken over my shoulder.... ("objects in mirror are losing, hah hah")

More moderately twisting roads over rolling hills, looking more and more like Ontario with each passing mile.

Pulled into Tulsa around 6, and began the search for a Motel. Found one with a pool (and INTERNET!!!! finally), so we can blog all this stuff tonight. Went in search of a steak house, but remember it's July 4th and not much is open. Found one, but had Paninis instead (Dave made me), then went outside to start our bar-hopping only to be greeted by a (lately) typical thunder/lightning/downpour threatening. Just made it back to the hotel and the heavens burst open.

The picture from our hotel room doesn't really show it very well, but they've been getting an inch or more of rain per hour when this happens. Dave's sheepskin seat got wet, so now the hotel room smells like a wet barn animal again...

Oh well, at least we now have time to get this blog done...

So hello everyone, we're fine, and not really looking forward to the end of this trip, except we miss you all... ttys.


Anonymous said...

So glad to see you are having a good time...depite your lack of wifie company. I know you are regreting the end of this great trip...beleive me reality sets in very quickly. Try and stay dry and not get swept away by flood waters. SSDD in Bell-Vegas. Thanks for taking the time to update the Blog...makes us feel like we're still with you.

Six West said...

Hi Guys,,,thank you so much for calling me on my birhtday,,it was the highlight of my day (fill you in later),i miss you guys so much and the girls even more,,,we had a blast and i can't believe we're home already,,it went so quickly,,i wanna go back and start all over again(so does Aldo if you know what i mean),i so happy to hear that you guys are still having fun,,come home safely and in 1 piece please,,,
i love you

Anonymous said...

My guess is you will land in St. Louis, Missouri tonight and we'll see you late Friday/early Saturday???? Don't rush the end of it guys - takes about 3 or 4 days to wash away the crap when you start vacation .... and about 30 seconds for reality to hit when you return. Postpone it as long as you can ......B

Anonymous said...

I see you are back to doo-rags. Way ta go ....B

Anonymous said...

hey guys ,,you got the go ahead for staying longer,,so go for it,,,what wonderful wives you have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'm a wonderful wife too though,,,aldo would atest to that ,,,ya think???
i love you guy
be careful
God speed