29 days - 27 bike washes

because Bally's doesn't take kindly to carrying garbage pails of water through the Casino... :(

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Tuesday, just another 116 degree day in the desert

This was just a straight ride across the desert. Up early and on the road … another hot day. Drove across Arizona into New Mexico. The “buttes” (sp?) were very dramatic. It think I like New Mexico. Stopped for gas, drove some more, stopped for gas, drove some more… finally got into Texas. Decided to go on to Amarillo instead of heading northeast from NM… we are trying to blend our need to avoid the current rain and flooding with our need to see some of Texas.

Got to Amarillo around 6 and found a hotel. Quick clean up then off to Logan’s Steakhouse for.. what else? Ribs! Next year we’re going to do an entire US tour and rate the ribs at every steakhouse… do you think Coor’s would sponsor us?

No pictures today because there really wasn’t anything we stopped to see. Kinda tired of driving through desert. Maybe there will be something worth seeing tomorrow.

And no internet either… second night in a row where they promised WIFI, but it didn’t work. Funny how you miss it.

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