29 days - 27 bike washes

because Bally's doesn't take kindly to carrying garbage pails of water through the Casino... :(

Friday, July 3, 2009


Wish you were here and we could celebrate together.

Left Cooke City and headed into Yellowstone, where we spent two days exploring and enjoying the scenery and wildlife. The park is over 2 million acres and we felt our chances of seeing a bear were very slim (which Bren found comforting). What you discover quickly in Yellowstone is when you see several cars stopped on the road - you know there is something worthwhile stopping to see. One such encounter was a black bear grazing about 70 feet off the road. As we joined the crowd of onlookers and forest ranger, we heard that it was a mother bear, who had sent her cub to his playpen for safety. He was sound asleep in a tree about 20 feet up. Was pretty amazing to be so close.

The wildlife in the park is abundant, especially the bison. There are herds everywhere, including on and along the roads. We also spotted a bull elk, a cow elk with newborn calf, prairie dogs, a white coyote, white pelicans, osprey, mules, deer, trumpeter swan, and bald eagles (one with a baby in the nest)

Entered Yellowstone at the north east entrance and headed to Mammoth Springs. Saw numerous mud pots, hot springs and small geysers, then headed down to see the grandaddy of them all - Old Faithful, our main destination and it was worth every mile. The whole area of springs, geysers, steam vents, mud pots is not only amazing, but frightening to realize the amount of activity happening just below our feet.

Headed to West Yellowstone, Montana to spend the night .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys,,,
Thanks for the well wishes,,I wish I were there too,,sounds like a pretty amazing trip so far, and you guys are having fun,,,, WONDERFUL :O)
Take care, and I Love you