29 days - 27 bike washes

because Bally's doesn't take kindly to carrying garbage pails of water through the Casino... :(

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Monday... hot as hades, and going to get worse

By Carol: Monday morning found us leaving Durango heading to Mesa Verde, a National Park celebrating the lives of the Ancestral Pueblo Indians and their cave dwellings. We visited one such village which was one of the prettiest “Spruce Tree houses”. We took tons of pictures, the reminds of the village were fascinating; remember that we were in someone’s home.

The one thing that I am really looking forward to seeing is one of those BIG tall cactus with the out stretched arms waiting to reach down and scoop you in a big hug...like Gumby. I did see my first cactus to day when we were leaving Mesa Verde, a little one with blooms on it. Yes I got pictures!!

Heading south through the Navajo desert at 4:30 in the afternoon was probably the hottest GD time of the day…man it was HOT. But the scenery was spectacular. We were actually in the desert, the temp was 92 F. Stopped at the 4 corner monument which is the point where 4 states actually meet, Colorado. Utah, Arizona, New Mexico. That was really cool.

Stopped in a little bar called “Blondie’s Biker Bar and Rose pinned a $1.oo bill signed by the Six west coasters on the wall.

We finally arrived in a town of Kayenta, Arizona…...or better known to us as “Dry Gulch”. The only thing that was on our minds was to get here and find a bar that served the coldest beer possible. NOT!!!! It is a dry town on an Indian Reservation. Good thing we had our stash in the side bags. But the pool was refreshing and got rid of the road dirt just fine.

(note: still no pics able to post.. maybe tomorrow! we promise to make up for it... stay tuned, and love you all... D,B,R,A,T&C)


Anonymous said...

Glad you guys are having fun! I know you're on vacation and all...but can you call me when you get a chance?
Love Ellie

Anonymous said...

Yea, the girls are safe---well at least they got there. What a trip so far---can't wait to see some pics. L & J

Anonymous said...

hope the trip is going well, ask dad to email me the code to storage. someone wants to see the boat friday xox sandy

Anonymous said...

Hey guys,

I have been following you all the way, what a great Blog!!! Looks like you are having a great time, I'm glad everyone arrived safe and now you're all together. Drive safe and tell that tramp Rosanne to stop trying to pick up strange men at bars....I've tried to break her of that habit Aldo, sorry it's not working!!! Take care, Signed the working Plug.....Luv Dana xo

Anonymous said...

well it sounds like you guys are having a sweet trip.
It's not to bad here it was supposed to rain and it seems everywhere got it but right over us it just got windy here.
The dogs are all happy we took bullet swimming the other day and couldn't get him out of the water lol old and still loves it eh.
well guys have fun, and don't get so hammered that you can't post pic's tonight k lol

Ride hard , ride safe.
love adam

Six West said...

Hi Guys - having a great time. At the Grand Canyon today - unbelievable! You have to see it to comprehend the size and grandeur. Will call home tonight and try to catch you to say hi. Miss ya all and luv ya. Mom and Dad (Upson) LOL