29 days - 27 bike washes

because Bally's doesn't take kindly to carrying garbage pails of water through the Casino... :(

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

One for the road

Ok, I'll have the premium. And can I get one to go? I could really use one tomorrow morning.


Anonymous said...

OMG - you guys are too funny. I started laughing out loud when I saw the pic of Ted in the middle of the road. Can't see the video - when ya click on the link it says it cannot find the page. :O( Darnit. OH - and by the way - the biker babes won't slow ya down in the mornings LOL LOL

Anonymous said...

Ooops - forgot to sign my comment. These two are from me - love and kisses to both of you ...B
Don't forget to keep an eye out for the speedballs that are on their way to Denver - they may pass ya. LMAO

Six West said...

Ooops, forgot to post the movie, sorry :(

Fixed now, but is big, so be patient.

Watch the whole thing, there's footage of Dave.

Anonymous said...

I bet he says that to all the girls!

Anonymous said...

That was a great movie. Nice clean windshield too, I see :O) Can't wait to get there and start enjoying the adventure and the sights with you guys. Miss ya....B

Anonymous said...

WELL guys enjoy your last day of male bonding...hope we don't cramp your style or get in the way too much. Hey Bren, maybe we will end up with that extended vacation in Denver...or hook up with R & A if we are still at the airport by Monday...LOL
Great pic of TEd in the middle of the road...just going to watch the video.
See ya tomorrow...yahoooo

Anonymous said...

hahah are you talking about the BJs or the porcelain dolls??

Anonymous said...

Hope you don't forget the girls.Sounds like you guys are having a great time. Video is great. L& Joe