29 days - 27 bike washes

because Bally's doesn't take kindly to carrying garbage pails of water through the Casino... :(

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Saturday, the eagle has landed....

or one small step for women, one giant leap for guys....

By Carol: The drive south out of Denver was reminiscent of the drive from Calgary to Lake Louise. Gentle rolling hills framed with the back drop of mountains. I must rewind this adventure and tell you about Brenda and my “Vegas Vacation”. Our day started out to be very chaotic with repeated obstacles trying to get to the airport, being almost frisked by the customs Nazi, forgetting to print out our boarding pass, reliving me of all my creams and gels, running from security with the last 1 min boarding call and then realizing we forgot our helmets back at security…they did hold the flight. With much relief we did finally arrive in Denver, to be greeted by the “spouses” and Rose & Aldo who had arrived a day early.

We grabbed a quick lunch at “Ted’s bar” owned by Ted Turner, enjoying “bison burgers”.

The trip out of town was uneventful, if you close you eyes you would think you were rolling down the “Bow Valley” with a gentle winding river with flying fishing or when the current speed up, numerous adventuresome white water rafters. heading south for Salida, Colorado engulfed on 3 sides by a spectacular lightening storm with black ominous clouds up in the mountains.

The storm eventually caught up with us as we were trying to find the last hotel room in town. Unfortunately we didn’t know that is would be the busiest weekend in Salida with a White water rafting race.

Ted's Note: the wireless connection at this hotel is not letting us upload pictures for some reason, so we'll revise the blog in a couple of days... sorry :(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice OCC "Paul Sr." growth goin on Tedster. I expect you'll be flashing a new tattoo shortly.