29 days - 27 bike washes

because Bally's doesn't take kindly to carrying garbage pails of water through the Casino... :(

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Ted's Recap (or is that re-tread?)

Having asked others to write a word or two on their impressions of the trip, I guess I should get at it as well, eh?

Words cannot describe this trip. How can you summarize an entire month of travel, especially motorcycle travel. Carol and I often say that seeing the world from inside a car is like watching it on TV, whereas seeing it on a motorcycle is like watching it on IMAX.

And we saw so many things... the Badlands, Sturgis, Deadwood, Mount Rushmore, Crazy Horse, the Black Hills of South Dakota, Mount Evans (where Dave almost got off and killed me), the Continental Divide, twisty canyon roads that were beyond compare, the Petrified Forest, the Grand Canyon, the Mojave Desert, Pacific Coast highway, San Francisco, Vegas, Route 66, and on and on it goes... so many sights I'd only seen in National Geographic or in the movies... now I can say "I've been there!!".

The company of great friends, getting to know someone even better after 30 years ("no I didn't make the bed, that's just the way I sleep")... meeting new people every day... seems like when you are on a motorcycle (especially with Canadian flags), everyone says hi and where ya'll from?

We were so lucky. 29 days on the road, no injuries, no roadside breakdowns, and less than an hour of rain.

Best of all, I think, we all came home wanting more. No one tired of the road, no one sorry we went that far, everyone planning for the next big trip even before we got home from this one.

My favourite part? So hard to pick just one. If I had to, I'd say it was the people we met. They were all nice, bar none. Second choice? The road. I've been to BC and back, but never had such a high percentage of small twisty highways in such great shape. For a motorcyclist it was a dream trip. And on a new bike to boot! What a way to break it in.

Thanks everyone, for the best time ever. I'd do it again in a heartbeat :)

As promised, here's my favourite picture. It's me driving up Mount Evans with my jewels lodged firmly in my throat.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Upson-cap :)

This year's bike trip, our West Coast Adventure, will be remembered as one of those very special "trip of a lifetimes"

The diversity of spectacular scenery was asounding. We saw so much and covered more ground than we believed possible at the onset. Mountains, deserts, parks, Grand Canyon, Pacific Coast and everything between - then add Deadwood, the Black Hills, the Badlands, Sturgis and more for the guys.

Great friends sharing special times promoted truly enjoyable days from start to finish, regardless of the often hectic pace we maintained in order to see as much as possible. Thanks guys!! Wouldn't have been the same without you.

If anyone has ever contemplated a similar trip - no matter what mode of transportation - DON'T HESITATE. Fabulous memories will be yours for life.

Can't wait til next year as plans are already in the works for our next 'adventure' - but please - - - - NO DESERTS!!!! :o)

Thursday, July 12, 2007

The final two days, finally

So there it was, the end of the trip looming. Had done and seen so much more than we dreamed, but still less than we wanted. Decision time... spend an extra day in countryside that we really didn't want to see (just like Ontario), or burn it for home and have a day before going back to work. We burned it for home.

Nothing really to report here, St. Louis to Richmond was uneventful. For our last night, we went to Ruby Tuesday's for dinner and had the ice cold draft and, what else? RIBS baby! Yessss....

Last day, up early and away by 8am. Stopped at the duty free then to Dave's in NF by supper. Ted decided to go all the way home, and clocked 1,100 kms for the day.

Next entries? Everyone has promised to provide a personal summary, so look forward to that!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Trip Stats!

Final posts coming soon! Meanwhile, here's some trip stats:

Days on the road: 29
Bike sponge baths: 28
Distance: 13,500 km
States: 18

New York
South Dakota
New Mexico

Rain: < 1 hour total
Hottest daytime temp: 116 F
Coldest daytime temp: 60 F

Pictures taken: 3,513

Guard ducks: 1

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Thursday, bible belt country

Well, if we're not saved now, we never will be. Every other billboard is aboot Jesus...

Ok, only two funny things happened today.

One, driving out of Tulsa, we ran into a downpour. That's not funny, but... so we stopped under an overpass for shelter and sat there for fifteen minutes waiting for the rain to stop.
As bad as it was getting sprayed by passing transports, we figured it was better than driving in the downpour. That's not funny either, but... so after the rain stopped, the road was still wet, but we decided to re-mount and take off. The funny part? 100 yards down the road, it was completely dry and hadn't rained at all. Wonder what the passing drivers thought aboot two Canuks hiding under an overpass when it wasn't raining on the other side.

Two, driving into Missouri, we saw lots of "single-wides"... those are trailer homes... mostly not so nice. That's not funny, but... Dave spotted one back from the road near some trees... a single-wide made out of a 48 foot tractor trailer with windows cut out of it. Now we've seen it all.

Sorry, that's it! But to thank you for tuning in today, here's a biker joke....

The biker lay sprawled across three entire seats in the posh Amarillo theatre.

When the usher came by and noticed this he whispered to the biker, "Sorry, sir, but you're only allowed one seat."

The biker groaned but didn't budge. The usher became more impatient.

"Sir, if you don't get up from there, I'm going to have to call the manager. The biker just groaned.

The usher marched briskly back up the aisle.

In a moment he returned with the manager. Together the two of them tried repeatedly to move the biker, but with no success.

Finally, they summoned the police. The cop surveyed the situation briefly then asked, "All right buddy, what's you're name?"

"Sam," the biker moaned.

"Where ya from, Sam?"

With pain in his voice Sam replied.... "The balcony."

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Wednesday, avoiding the rain

Today's objective was to avoid the rain. Headed out of Amarillo, then jogged northeast on hwy 60. An amazing 4 lane highway that is straight for as far as the eye can see. Signs say next town 10 miles away and you can see it...

It was a nice change from "Interstates" as the highway changed from empty 4-laners to emptier 2-laners, passing through small towns. Many of them were deserted today... seemed like the only ones with any activity were the ones with a restaurant or two... people were off today (July 4th) and everyone seemed to be going out for lunch, much to our dismay.

Tried to get into a restaurant in a place called Canadian, Texas (no kidding), but no luck. Moved on, with growly tummies, to Arnett, Oklahoma, where everyone speaks with that typical drawl.... two guys walked into the restaurant and one said to us "ah preezoom that yew fellers bee-long to them baks awout thare?"

You don't need to remember the name of the restaurant because it's the only one in Arnett, and it has one of the best hamburgers we've had anywere on the planet... and for only $2.60. No kidding.

Passing into Oklahoma, there were some more "buttes" (sp?), but these were made of red red earth, covered sporadically with green grass and shrubs. This must be where Vinny got mud in his tires. Here's a couple of pics, plus one of Dave taken over my shoulder.... ("objects in mirror are losing, hah hah")

More moderately twisting roads over rolling hills, looking more and more like Ontario with each passing mile.

Pulled into Tulsa around 6, and began the search for a Motel. Found one with a pool (and INTERNET!!!! finally), so we can blog all this stuff tonight. Went in search of a steak house, but remember it's July 4th and not much is open. Found one, but had Paninis instead (Dave made me), then went outside to start our bar-hopping only to be greeted by a (lately) typical thunder/lightning/downpour threatening. Just made it back to the hotel and the heavens burst open.

The picture from our hotel room doesn't really show it very well, but they've been getting an inch or more of rain per hour when this happens. Dave's sheepskin seat got wet, so now the hotel room smells like a wet barn animal again...

Oh well, at least we now have time to get this blog done...

So hello everyone, we're fine, and not really looking forward to the end of this trip, except we miss you all... ttys.

Tuesday, just another 116 degree day in the desert

This was just a straight ride across the desert. Up early and on the road … another hot day. Drove across Arizona into New Mexico. The “buttes” (sp?) were very dramatic. It think I like New Mexico. Stopped for gas, drove some more, stopped for gas, drove some more… finally got into Texas. Decided to go on to Amarillo instead of heading northeast from NM… we are trying to blend our need to avoid the current rain and flooding with our need to see some of Texas.

Got to Amarillo around 6 and found a hotel. Quick clean up then off to Logan’s Steakhouse for.. what else? Ribs! Next year we’re going to do an entire US tour and rate the ribs at every steakhouse… do you think Coor’s would sponsor us?

No pictures today because there really wasn’t anything we stopped to see. Kinda tired of driving through desert. Maybe there will be something worth seeing tomorrow.

And no internet either… second night in a row where they promised WIFI, but it didn’t work. Funny how you miss it.

Monday, starting home

Although we intended to get up early (Ted wanted to be on the road at 6), we “slept in” and didn’t get going until 9. Left Vegas and headed east (without breakfast… for some reason). Drove past the Hoover Dam (they’re building a new bypass highway with a huge bridge over the downstream canyon).

Dave said it was smaller than he thought. Funny how that works… Mount Rushmore, Crazy Horse.. all those spots that look sooo big on TV and in pictures all look smaller when you are there.

Stopped for lunch at a little restaurant (where they didn’t serve beer, but the cook was singing to old 50’s hits.)

Amazing how much you drink when it is this hot. We downed several glasses of ice water plus some “sodie pop”, then were on our way. In case you weren’t tracking the weather because you are so worried aboot us (hah hah), today’s high is 116 degrees F. Wisely decided not to stop for beer until day’s end.

Drove and drove and drove.. ended up in Gallup, NM, pretty much burnt and exhausted. Drove down the strip and stopped in at a Mexican BBQ place where the cook was working outside on an outdoor grill built into the side of the restaurant… smelled awesome. But WAIT… what’s this? NO BEER! Ok, outta here to another place called Virgie’s (no kidding). Authentic Mexican food, Ted had a Mexican Pizza and we downed several ice cold Bud Lites. A well deserved reward for a hard day’s ride.

Sunday, ahhh, the pool

Today was just Las Vegaa. We all slept in (a bit), then went out for a walk on the strip. Saw the dancing water show at the Bellagio (very nice), then took a taxi to Walmart for necessities…

Spent a great, lazy afternoon by the pool drinking Bud Lites and Smirnoff Ice… weather was sunny and very hot. Very relaxing.

Dinner was Batista’s. Highly recommended by Bren & Dave… Never been to a restaurant where the wine was free! Food was excellent… not that we remember much! Back to the hotel, girls packed up, and took them to the airport by taxi. So sad to see you go.. but we’ll be home in a week ladies.

Saturday... our last night (for the girls)

Stayed last night in a little town called Visalia, Ca. Stopped for a true Mexican breakfast in Delano @ “Costera”, of beer, burritos, enchiladas and tacos…and yes beer.

We decided to abort our trip to Death Valley today as the temp are to reach a roaring 48F…Yack, too hot. So instead we decided to haul ass to Las Vegas through the Mojave Desert, get there and relax by the pool for 24 hours. Now that’s a much smarter plan….??????

Coming through the mountains we saw row upon row of huge windmills. Brenda and I almost didn’t make it through the Desert this time. We had to make a few stops to refuel the electrolytes and ice bags. Temperatures were up to 48F (118 c), now that’s what you call GD hot. Heading through Baker Ca, a thermometer on the road side read 111F at 7 pm.

The only rewarding part of the trip today was after we crossed into Nevada, the temperature started to cool off and the Nevada sunset was beautiful.

Coming into Las Vegas at night time on a bike was a real experience