29 days - 27 bike washes

because Bally's doesn't take kindly to carrying garbage pails of water through the Casino... :(

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Almost Home

Woke up to a dark and cloudy day, overcast but not raining, although it was promising to. We knew it was going to be a tough one. Fired up the bikes around 9am and headed east from Cofax, Iowa, (somewhere past Des Moines) and ran into a constant wall of rain. Just when you thought it couldn't rain any harder... it did...and it did again.

Spent about 2 hours in it and became soakeder and soakder. Ted's boots squished when we stopped for gas. The second time we stopped for gas we also stopped for lunch... at Benningtons on I74 southbound in Davenport. Gotta love a warm restaurant with cold beer. Now everyone was squishing.

Took off again in the pouring rain (even harder this time). Gradually the clouds lifted and the sodden bikers gradually started to dry out. We actually managed to get in 738 km and crossed 4 states. We went though Iowa, Illinois, Indiana and ended up in Michigan.

Finally threw in the towel at Sturgis, Michigan where we looked forward to roadhouse food at Walsh's (Dave and Ted had stopped there in '07 on their way out West). But Walsh's had burned down, along with the only other good restaurant in town.

Saved by the bell, found a $50 hotel with Applebees across the street! Gotta love a warm restaurant with cold beer. Now it's late and we're not looking forward to our last day on the road. Expect to be in NF, ON tomorrow afternoon. Last post coming

Friday, July 10, 2009

July 9th

Our day began early with a startling clap of thunder that shook the ground at 6am. As we settled back to sleep, a pounding on the roof and building caused us to jump from our beds to the window in time to see golf ball sized hail pelting the hotel and ground. Tried to get pics but it was too dark. Ted has two lovely `character` dents in his front fender and Dave has a dent in his trailer to go along with the scratch from the low flying duck that hit us last week. The damage was minor compared to the numerous front and back windows of vehicles that were smashed.

We hunkered in until the torrential rains passed, then suited up and hit the road. As we drove, the skies cleared and eventually we stripped down as the temps hit high 80`s.

Sadly - we are heading east toward home and the end of our 2009 adventure.

Stopped in Madison County to check out the bridges from the movie `Bridges of Madison County`. There are 6 covered bridges and we saw all of them. Was disappointing to discover each bridge was the same, only the location was different. But great to see them and read all the postings people have written on walls over the years.

On to Butt F?"/$* Iowa for the night, checking the weather and hoping to miss the severe storms passing thru tonight and tomorrow.

July 8th

Up and on the road heading to the infamous Highway 44 for a picture of everyone with a beer in the middle of the road. Had great fun setting up the tripod for all the pics - - - actually had to pause twice for a car!!!!

Stopped in the booming metropolis of Witten, SD - population 87. Found the `Blue Moon Saloon`. What a hoot. Was originally intended only as a pee break, but the place was so quaint, we ended up staying for a few beers, numerous tunes on the jukebox (thanks Ted) and a few games of electronic darts. None of us had played before so after some very serious instructions from the bartender, we finally caught on. Had an unexpected and delightful time.

Continued past farm after farm of gentle rolling hills full of crops and came upon a lake (Lake Francis), along the Missouri River. Stopped to stretch our legs and wet our toes in the warm lake water. We were surprised there was almost no development around this beautiful lake - only one house that we could see. What a perfect spot to build a home!!!

Rolled into Yankton, SD for the night and found the best buffet ever at a place called Jo Deans. The buffet was amazing with everything from seafood salad and crab legs, to sirloin steak, beef stroganoff, sirloin tips, (doncha love being in Black Angus beef country),ribs, prime rib, fresh turkey, all kinds of veggies, to homemade angel food cakes and fresh strawberries.

Needless to say - four Canucks waddled their fat asses back to the hotel and collapsed for the night. Only sound to be heard was groans of discomfort changing to sighs of relief as the pant buttons and zippers popped to allow the screaming tummys to escape. Ahhhhhh ..... and so ends yet another enjoyable day.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

July 7th.

Beautiful cloudless day with temps @ 0900 around 32 degrees...it's going be a hot one. Stopped @ Wall SD, a small unassuming little US town that happens to have the most amazing tourist experience. It's called "Wall Drug" that at one time was just a family run drug store that has grown since 1931 into a massive downtown old west shopping extravaganza. Even the guys were impressed and pretended to enjoy the shopping.

Continued to our destination to the Badlands of SD. It was so interesting to see this massive jagged "mountain" range that consists of multiple layers of coloured clay and soils.

They were once the bottom of a ocean bed, and now are this rich fossilized formation are called the Badlands.

The name is in reference to the fact that nothing really existis there, no animal or plant life.

Took our time drivng through with multiple picture stops, then stopped in Kadoka for the night.

July 6th.

Heading north on the east side of Wyoming. Very different country side from the west side of the state...beautiful soft rolling hills, acres & acres of velvety grassland and hay fields. Not great for hayfever allergies.

While driving across the grasslands we got caught in the most torrential rain storm with hail again...this time we had no place to take cover so we just pressed on.....damn that stuff hurts.

Stopped in some nameless little town to hide from the rain that had just happened to be having happy hour...gotta love $1.75 beer.

Found us ending the day in Hot Springs SD. Found a steakhouse in an old hotel that had a rock in the middle of it. The rock was there when they dug the foundation (a hundred years ago) and proved too hard and big to remove so they left it. It currently rises up in the middle of the dining room. Ted tried again to order Elk, but they were out. But all in all, it was another great steak dinner.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

hey Bren.....do you know where Jose went?

Poor Ted...woke up Sat morning looking for his new bottle of Jose Cuervos.... finally found it - in the garbage can, empty. Oooops, however did that happen? Moral of the story: Don't go to bed before the girls silly.
July 4.09 in Jackson Hole, watched the town parade, did a bit of shopping, had a great lunch and then headed south to Rock Springs.
Typical mountain day...cloudless & sunny in the morning and then a bit of rain in the afternoon. Dodged some ominous thunder showers on our way south. Met a lovely couple in the hotel from Ohio who were also doing a bike tour. Borrowed some chairs and watched the July 4th fire works from the parking lot beside the hotel.

July 5th. Decided against making the trek to Flaming Gorge which would have been a full day trip south into Utah. Will save that for our next trip when we do Utah and Oregan.

Instead we made a valiant attempt to search for the wild mustangs on the Rock Springs Plains. All we saw was horse poop, prairie dogs and dust. Very disappointing. In hindsight we should have rented 4 wheelers and did our own off roading and probably had more luck. It's a 10,000 acre mountain range with 5,000 mustangs that know just where to hide from nosey tourists.

Continued our day east to Laramie to the Wyoming Territorial Prison which was on Dave's "wish list". What a fablous restoration of a prison that was operational in the late 1800's and housed Butch Cassidy for a few years.

We were fortunate to meet one of the museum's staff who turned out to be the (retired) sheriff of Laramie and a prison historian. We were given a personal guided tour of the broom factory that was operated by the inmates and explained the complexity of the art. None of us ever realized how much detail went into broom making...facinating!!!
Hey Ted...want some more spicy wings and cheesey chili fries...????

July 6th
Found us arriving late last night in Cheyenne, the capital of Wyoming. It was a major laundry night for all of us. Going to tour the down town area and then head north east for Rapid City...sadly we are starting our trek homeward. It's SAD DAY July 6th.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Jackson Hole, Wyoming

Wow - what a day. Went white water rafting on the Snake River. Carol didn't really want to go but ... ..she was a trooper and finally agreed on the condition we made sure she remained UPRIGHT AND IN THE BOAT AT ALL TIMES.

It was a first for all of us and left us wanting more. Our guide was "Captain Ron", an original "Snake River" rafter with 35 years experience. We were very reassured being in his boat and made it safely thru the Class 3 rapids drenched, but with no calamities. We were on a super high for hours.

Had a great dinner then headed to yet another rodeo. It was freakin' hilarious to see the MUTTON BUSTERS. Had never seen it before. Kids - ages 2 to 8 - riding sheep bareback (in preparation for the riding the "BIG BULL") We have never laughed so hard. One little guy stayed on so long we thought he was a manniken strapped on. OMG - it was hysterical.

Good time had by all .... ya all cum back now ... ya hear!! LOL

Good bye Yellowstone

July 2.09
Before geting out of Yellowstone we encountered every bikers nightmare...a thunderstorm with hail...nasty on the knuckles, eh guys!?!? Temperatures dropped from 22C to 8c in about 2 minutes and even though we were suited up, we stopped and ran for cover under the trees from the half inch pellets pounding us.

Headed south through the Grand Teton National Park which was to our amazement a completely new encounter of jagged, imposing mountains peaking at 13,000 ft. Got great pictures ... even backwards ... right Brenda??

World class fly fishing obviously attracts vacationers from all over the world as it has beautiful, shallow, winding streams loaded with trout. We saw remnants of the massive destruction of forest fires. Hundreds, maybe thousands of acres wiped out. So sad, yet already showing signs of life and new growth.

Arrived in Jackson Hole late afternoon. Similar town to Banff Springs ... population 8,500 and very touristy with upscale shopping and great resturants. Thurs night was quite an experience when we went to the Million Dollar Cowboy Bar. The seats at the bar are saddles and the walls are covered with "knobbled pine"....had a great evening of dinner and whupping the guys asses at pool (NOT!!!) :o)

Friday, July 3, 2009


Wish you were here and we could celebrate together.

Left Cooke City and headed into Yellowstone, where we spent two days exploring and enjoying the scenery and wildlife. The park is over 2 million acres and we felt our chances of seeing a bear were very slim (which Bren found comforting). What you discover quickly in Yellowstone is when you see several cars stopped on the road - you know there is something worthwhile stopping to see. One such encounter was a black bear grazing about 70 feet off the road. As we joined the crowd of onlookers and forest ranger, we heard that it was a mother bear, who had sent her cub to his playpen for safety. He was sound asleep in a tree about 20 feet up. Was pretty amazing to be so close.

The wildlife in the park is abundant, especially the bison. There are herds everywhere, including on and along the roads. We also spotted a bull elk, a cow elk with newborn calf, prairie dogs, a white coyote, white pelicans, osprey, mules, deer, trumpeter swan, and bald eagles (one with a baby in the nest)

Entered Yellowstone at the north east entrance and headed to Mammoth Springs. Saw numerous mud pots, hot springs and small geysers, then headed down to see the grandaddy of them all - Old Faithful, our main destination and it was worth every mile. The whole area of springs, geysers, steam vents, mud pots is not only amazing, but frightening to realize the amount of activity happening just below our feet.

Headed to West Yellowstone, Montana to spend the night .