29 days - 27 bike washes

because Bally's doesn't take kindly to carrying garbage pails of water through the Casino... :(

Saturday, June 30, 2007


Friday morning the guys had to take off early and get their bikes serviced, and left Brenda and me lounging in the sun, by the pool. It’s OK, please don’t rush, we can entertain ourselves…there are still a few Smirnoff slushies in the freezer from last night.

It was tough, but we got on the road around 2:30 pm. Brenda brought it to our attention that some of us, and close friends, will be able to enjoy the Seniors discount at Denny’s soon….it starts at 55!! Now that’s depressing.

Finally getting to enjoy the warmth and the sun of California!!! Today we continued to head south and stopped at the Sequoia National Park this afternoon. NO rush now as we are only 380 miles from Vegas and :o( heading home Sunday
Travelled again through some of the most lush farm land ever, orchards upon orchards of all different kinds of fruit trees, vineyards not only for wine but raisins too- saw the “Sunkist” sign. Rolling valleys with soooo many horse ranches. Oh to be young again.

Actually saw a ranch with Brahma bulls on it.

King canyon and Sequoia National Park was a spectacular 80 km twisting winding road through a enchanted forest of ancient giant trees. The Sequoias are estimated to be 3200 years old and up to 40 feet in diameter.

(Ted: what an amazing feeling walking up and touching a living thing 3,000 years old. I just stood there with my hand on it... The bark was soft on the outside, and almost sounded hollow when you knocked on them.. but you knew they weren't 'cause they were 40 feet thick...)

Kings canyon rises up to 14,000 ft. and it spans from low foothills with shady forests to majestic peaks of the High Sierra’s. We stopped off and got some great pictures; even saw 2 does feeding in the forest. Winding our way down to the bottom, we careened around 10 MPH turns on an 8 % grade. Found our way to the bottom of the valley to a little Inn with beer and terribly slow service. Oh well, the beer was still cold.

Then a nice easy warm moonlit drive to Versalia to the Econolodge for a nightcap of Bud lite and Smirnoff ice… Vegas tomorrow, then home for the girls on Sunday!


No rush to get on the road this morning. Waking up in San Francisco was a surreal feeling, had to pinch ourselves a few times to make sure it wasn’t a dream. Decided since we were here we should do the touristy thing and ride the street cars. Hopped in the Market/Lombard route, that takes you up the steep hills, just like in the movies.
Wandered a bit down town, stopped in a sports bar for a beer (Oh no, its not even noon yet), had a bite to eat and then waited in line for the return trip back to Fisherman’s Wharf. What a rush!!!! This was the highlight of our trip for everyone. Got to sit on the outside of the street car and hang out to take a few pictures. Had to watch out that you didn’t get your head knocked with too close parked vans. Reluctantly, got back on the bikes about 2 PM, and started our trek south.

Headed out of the city via the San Francisco Bay Bridge towards Oakland and jumped back on the Interstate. We were supposed to be in Fresno earlier for Ted to have his bike serviced for the 8000km oil change. WOW, now that’s a few miles. We travelled through the most beautiful farm land imaginable. Donnie and Rhonda, you really need to sell the cows and quota and move here. You would have no problem cash or produce farming and never be cold again. They even have a town called Farmerville!!!! Mile after mile of fruit trees, as far as the eye could see, corn fields that were at least 20 feet high. You can see how agriculture is profitable here; they just continue to grow in the sun 12 months a year, no seasons or inclement weather to worry about. There was a 40 mile long Aqua-duct that ran along the highway that is used for irrigation. NO SNOW here!!!

When we were travelling through Sun Valley or AKA the “Big Valley” toward Stockton.…anyone remember the show with Barbara Stanwick, Linda Evans and Lee Majors? We saw hundreds of windmills on top of the rolling hills. All lined up like soldiers, working together in harmony. California is an amazing state for their re-energy eco-friendly programs.

Stopped at a Days Inn with a pool!!. Nothing washes off the road dirt like a quick dip before supper.

Early bedtime for everyone, especially after 2 “Super sized Bahama-mammas, eh Bren. Did anyone see the moon tonight?? I went outside about 10 pm and got a great picture. This is what a full moon on a cloudless night in California looks like.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Wednesday, very excited aboot San Francisco

(Ted) Got up this morning in Monterey, not really looking like the Monterey I pictured. We stayed in a hotel across from a Kawasaki/Honda dealer in an industrial part of town... the consequences of looking for bargains. Dave changed his oil, and I tried vigorously to remove the white slimy film from the motorcycle that had strangely collected on our trip along the coast yesterday.

We packed up and left.. headed kinda downtown to Cannery Row / Fisherman's Wharf. Now this is the Monterey we pictured. We walked and shopped for souvenirs (fun, wow), then went for beer and lunch (funner). It has a really nice shore access between restaurants and hotels, with a view to the north of a VERY long stretch of beach/dunes, although I'm not sure how much use it gets because of the cool weather.

Left Monterey after lunch and had an uneventful drive, save for a couple of spots where the road was two lanes and twisty (going into Half Moon Bay just south of San Fran). Drove straight to the Golden Gate bridge and stopped for pictures. Was still cool, and VERY windy. Many windsurfers on the bay, and a couple of whatchamacallits (surfers with parachutes) going sixty miles an hour!

Set the GPS for Lombard and Hyde so we could ride down the famous Lombard hill. It was a VERY steep climb up, then an even steeper plus twisty ride down... this picture really doesn't show it well, but it was almost straight down...

Headed over to Fisherman's Wharf from there, parked and walked. THIS is San Francisco... smelly curbside restaurants serving all manner of seafood to eat-in-hand. Had supper at Joe's Crab Shack and almost got tanked on coloured drinks with little sticks in them... Dave had two.
Later found a hotel on Lombard street... quite a busy strip. Heard from Rose and Aldo; they are near Las Vegas, and a day ahead of schedule heading back to Denver. Safe trip guys!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Our morning started with sad “Adieu, bon voyage, adios, ciao, to Rose & Aldo as they had to leave the “six west coasters” to start their trek homeward. We sure have had a blast together. It was with heavy heart we watched them drive away.

So the troop now, the “Four west coasters”, left Santa Maria and started heading up the coast on Hwy 1 towards San Francisco. We stopped in a lovely little town Cambria, found a Mexican cantina and guess what….had a beer!! We tried deep fried avocado with a Chipotle ranch dip….Yummmm. Even Dave tried it. The temps continue to remain very cool… still in the low 70s. From here we started a 60 mile stretch of the most amazing scenery imaginable. Twisting, winding, turns through rock cuts-rugged and jagged, passing cliffs and vistas, rock crags. It is the most majestic, panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean. Turn after turn came even more beautiful coastline than the last one. For two compulsive “Cathy cameras”, it was a challenge to see who could stay seated on the bike and click the fastest.

I have never been to Scotland but I can only imagine that this would be what driving up the highland coastline would be like. Maybe someday soon!!! Brenda and Dave tell us that it is very similar to the Cabot trail they did last year. Both equally stunning and breathtakingly beautiful. We stopped outside Big Sur at a road side Inn for supper and to warm up. Boy when the sun starts to go down and the fog rolls in…its very damp and chilly.

Made our way to Monterey, just outside Carmel, and bedded down for the night. The evening temp is down to 45 F. Turn that heater on HIGH!!!!

We stopped at a gas station for gas and beer, and there was this guard duck on duty. Here's Ted trying to get in....

My hopes for seeing that big cactus is slowly dissolving. I did see a really neat variety coming out of Ojai. They were bluish-grey, round bottomed (about the size of a dinning room table), long sword-like blades with serrated edges…almost like a huge Aloe plant. Amazing…just plain amazing. I will have to wait until I get home and pull out the National Geographics. Strangely enough, we did see a light house….which I didn’t get to see last year on the east coast.


First and most important – if anyone says it’s hot in California, they are pullin’ yer (@#*&%#$%&……!!!!!! Holy crap – it was mid 60’s here today on the coast. We all had our coats and pants on at the beach watching the surfers – crazy Canooks. We are thinking it could be a result of just coming from the Mojave Desert and 120 degree heat that has worn down our resistance. Regardless – much to our brrrrrrrrr chilly dismay – it is cool here. So much for bikinis and suntanning on the beach.

Despite the temps, the scenery, homes and gardens are spectacular, with portulaca and wild oleander lining the sides of roadways. Cruising down streets bordered by huge palms, passing wrought iron gates standing as majestic sentry’s to the private estates beyond gave us a true sense of being in California.

The Santa Barbara coast was very cloudy, cool and foggy this morning. First clouds we had seen in more than a week. There was a salty mist in the air you could feel and taste. It eventually burned off as we travelled north. We stopped for lunch at the Santa Barbara Harbour and feasted on the best club house sandwiches ever. Hmmm – could the fact that we were sitting outside in California sunshine, overlooking the harbour been a contributing factor?????? After lunch we walked down the beach and dipped our feet in the Pacific for the first time since leaving Ontario and toasted the success of our trip and reaching it safely.

We passed acres and acres of broccoli, lemon trees, vineyards, and strawberries. After going by the fields of strawberries and the wonderful smell of them, we were all craving strawberry shortcake.

Headed north to Pismo Beach for supper and a walk on the pier. This is where we enjoyed watching the surfers.
The waves were not huge, but they managed to catch the curl for some short rides. Supper was delicious at the Pier Side Restaurant, overlooking the ocean at sunset. A memorable meal to mark Rose and Aldo’s final dinner with us and to celebrate Rosie’s upcoming birthday. After fully suiting up AND confiscating Dave’s socks for the girls to wear with their flip flops, we had a chilly 20 minute ride back to our hotel. Pretty sad state of affairs to have the heat on instead of the air-conditioning . Even sadder that we will have to say goodbye to one third of the Six West Coasters in the morning. Guess we’ll have to party hearty tonight and send them off in style.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Sunday, we hit the coast

Life is all about choices...the good ones.

I think we are on the right track. Sunday leaving Barstow Ca. where we had the neatest room- 3 queen beds in one room for $115.00. We had the pleasure of Dave and Aldo serenading us as they snored in harmony. Travelling through the Aqua Dolce canyon we saw layered faulted rocks popping up from the side of the mountains and many big tall Yucca trees and Silver dollar cactus. So far our mileage reading on Ted and Dave's bike is at 7100km....WOW thats a ride.

Heading toward Route 1 (AKA Pacific Coastal Hwy) we say some fabulous neuveau riche homes nestled into the side and the tops of the San Bernadino mountains. We encountered the most amazing roller coaster road, Route 23/Sana Monica Rd. Twisting and turning in hair pin switch-backs we wove our way up and over the mountain range opening to the most spectacular view of the Pacific ocean. Funny the only cars we met on the route were corvertable Porches, Corvettes, BMW's,and Jag's. It was a most memorable trip of our tour, in more ways than one...we'll fill in the blanks later.

The only thing we wanted after coming down the mountain was BEER...and NOW!!!!

Winding along the coast line we traveled thought Mandalay Bay with beautiful intercoastal suburb homes and their "BIG" yachts parked in their back yard. OH for the life of the rich and famous...we're in "KAL-I-FOR-I-A".

We again lucked in to finding the cutest inn called the Hummingbird, in Ojai (O-Hi). Tucked in at the base of the Santa Barbara mountains were were surrounded by rose bushes in fragrant full bloom, a lovely pool with a hot tub, and hummingbirds hovering over us.
The only complaint we have on this trip is that every town closes their restaurants at 9pm. This is when we are showered and ready to roll again. This really sucks. Last nigth our dinner menu consisted of beer, Smirnoff, BBQ chips and chocolate bars....MMMMMM.

Saturday, is it hot enough for you Dave??

By Carol & Rose
Sat morning (June 22.07) we were able to up and on the road by 8:45.believe it or not….. Forfeited the MacDonald’s breakfast, and stopped at a little gas station with an Indian art store attached…great breakfast. Aldo, despite his heart burn, had a jumbo hot dog for “breakie”. Thank God for I-pod’s and good music…we had no idea what was ahead if us. Horse & cow ranches were everywhere…made you feel like long ago with no boundaries to guide you. Boredom was not a problem here. There were so many cacti growing wild on the side of the mountains…not the ones that Carol was hoping for, but many different varieties. There were silver dollar, red globe cactus and tree-like Yuka’s, but still not the one she wanted. A lady we met in the gas bar told us that the big tall ones (Saguaro’s) were now endangered and protected. The Arizona states symbol is becoming extinct. As all good things, we must protect them.

We headed to California…Brenda will have to wait for the spontaneous dip in the spring, like in the movie “Road Hog’s”…the only one she will be close to are “Peach Spring” and “Silver Spring” exit signs on the side of the road.

Boy, you can tell we are now in California….gas has jumped to double the $$...now $4.59/gal……. We are the crazy Canuks…the only one stupid enough to be in the Mojave Desert during major heat spell between 12-4:30 pm…….are we nuts…YES!!!!!!! Temps today soared over 100F, not counting the radiant heat. Rosie has proof….burnt shins and a picture. The local’s were laughing at us as they sat in their AC homes sipping beer. Well we fooled them…we made it to a sports bar in Barstow at 6 pm and the beer was good and cold.
Supper was something other than ribs tonight…we decided on Mexican and had great fajitas and burritos.

We’re afraid that we may be running out of time with Rose and Aldo, that they have to turn back soon to make it to Denver and get home for work next week. Aldo keep forgetting to call his boss and ask for an extra day just in case. SO for now we just are nestled down in a nice AC motel room with internet……finally.

Hey Dana, a while back I forgot to mention and Carol spotted a “Dingo,,,that ate my baby” first in Australia and now in Colorado, and unfortunetly Marie, I haven’t been eaten by anyone of those hillbillies you mentioned, but we’re not quite done our vacation just yet. Time is flying. And Pam you would love it here it’s so dry, not humid one bit!! Take care guys, and say hi to everyone for me, a special Hi to Sue, Barb and Denise and the rest of he gang. How’s it going? and Dave misses you guys too and can’t wait to get back to work,,,yaaa right!!!!!


Had a great breakfast at “Goldie’s Diner”. What a step back in time……..!!! It is a replica of an old 50’s diner with Rock n Roll memorabilia everywhere. The setting was nostalgic and the food was excellent. Our 74 years young waitress, Joyce, was delightful. Funny, spunky and more than willing to have her picture taken with Rose and “Lucy”

After breakfast we headed over to a quaint train station that housed a steam engine train on which you could take a day trip to the Grand Canyon and back. Too bad we didn’t have more time. That would have been a scenic and fun way to spend a day. On the far side of the station, we viewed a staged old western style “shoot-out”. It was a well done and enjoyable show.

From there we headed to Sedona to take in the mammoth red rocks mountains/pillars that make the area famous. Driving in thru the town was a sightseeing trip on its own. Sedona puts Niagara-on-the-Lake to shame. It is so quaint and the landscaping, architecture and entire décor of the downtown is so upscale and complimentary to the area.

After a long hot ride there, we found a little bar and grill to quench our thirst and give us the energy boost we needed to tackle the heat outside again. WOW – is it hot down here. When we ventured out again, we headed to the airport for a helicopter ride of the area.

What a spectacular ride it was. IT lasted about 15 mins and the pilot gave us a guided commentary of the rock formations and all their names. The views were breathtaking, not to mention we had the opportunity to view the “celebrity area” with estates that had to be 6000 – 8000 sq feet and are home to Madonna, Al Pacino and likely others, but our pilot couldn’t think of any others.

Rose and Aldo tried to convert us by taking us to the chapel, Rose lite a candle in memory of all our mothers…how sweet. Carol was able to find another interesting cactus, although not the one she is looking for, they were growing wild on the side on the road in bunches. Really neat to see and continuing to hope for the real thing.

Another long and hot ride back to William Arizona to our great little motel-for a swim, beer, Smirnoff and supper (probably ribs again, eh Dave). Ted has to go across the road to the other motel to try and get wireless internet access to post this on the Blog. Again we found a fabulous diner for BBQ ribs; you wouldn’t have believed the size of them. Dave are you tires of ribs yet????
Friday night and there is a bar with live music across the road from us, our intentions are good but I have a feeling that we will poop out tonight.


By Bren and Carol
Thursday (June 21.07), morning found us waking up in Tusayan Arizona, about 6 miles below the south rim of the Grand Canyon, Just had to take in the Imax theatre movie of the Grand Canyon-WOW it was amazing. Headed back to the Canyon to jump on the bus tours that take you to places that cars are not allowed. The changes in the topography and colours were just so hard to explain. WOW seems a bit understated. Standing on the edge of the canyon looking over the vastness, you can’t imagine what goes through your mind. The different rock levels cast new colour and tinges as the sun changes its hues.

Back to the village of Tusayan where we enjoyed (surprisingly) the best “Spaghetti Western” dinner imaginable. We were hesitant to venture in at first as somehow “spaghetti” and “western” don’t seem to go hand in hand. But the restaurant was lovely, lots of Remington statues and western décor, great food and excellent service. Carol found a gorgeous cowboy hat and wore it on the bike to our next destination – Williams.

What a quaint little town with everything geared to “Route 66” as it passes thru the main street. Our 1.5 hour drive from the Grand Canyon to Williams was done under a clear and starry night with the moon shining brightly over us. It was a lovely entrance to a wonderful little town in the mountains. Believe it or not but the temp dropped down to about 45F at night…BRRR!!!!!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Tuesday and Wednesday

Posted by Brenda and Carol. Hi everyone – just want to let you know it is becoming a little more difficult to find time and internet to update the blog on a daily basis. So bear with us if we miss a day or two here and there.

Forgot to mention – Monday when we were coming thru the San Juan Mountains at an elevation of 12,000 feet it was breathtaking – not only the hairpin turns but the scenery.

Although our stay in Kayenta was a ‘dry’ one – the food was scrump-dilly-iscious. Best ribs any of us had ever had. The native service staff were more than a little reserved and unsmiling. Even Rosie’s exhuberant personality had no effect at getting a smile out of them or engaging in conversation. Was good to put that location behind us.

Tuesday we travelled thru the Navajo desert in temps in the low 100’s. Very hot and flat for as far as the eye could see. Visited the Petrified Forest and Painted Desert. Again, breathtaking scenery of the Painted Desert and the Petrified Forest was a pleasant surprise when we discovered how vast an area it covered. To think these huge boulders were once trees millions of years ago and now they are scattered rocks that still look like fallen trees. Until you actually touch them, it is hard to believe they are rock. Spectacular…!!!!!

Much to her screaming dismay, Rose discovered the local insects grow to be quite large when one decided to land on her boob. Of course, as we listened to her screams and watched her dancing in terror, no one had the heart to smack it off and send her foam bra sailing.

On Wednesday, we rode along the historic ROUTE 66 to Flagstaff, in search of new brakes for Dave’s rear end. Found a dealer in Flagstaff that had the parts and while Dave and Ted put them on in the parking lot, Aldo was inside trying to negotiate a deal on a brand new Nomad 1600. It was a done deal until he discovered he would have to continue on with no luggage rack. ROSIE put kaibosh on that deal pretty darn quick - she needs the room for stones!!!!! Maybe the next town will be more negotiable with our Italian cohort in crime.

Finally on the road again (after a hearty and liquid lunch) we arrived at the Grand Canyon about 4:30 and toured the south rim until sunset. Breathtaking is the only way to describe it. Along the way, from one lookout point to another, you travel thru heavy forest where we spotted a little coyote right next to road, eyeballing all the passerbys with a somewhat bored expression, and two elk….. one of which we caught on camera. Too bad we missed the little coyote as it was the perfect chance to catch him on film – only 5 feet away. Dammit – maybe next time.

Carol is still searching for the perfect cactus and we are now heading back to the Canyon for more sights. Chat at ya all later. Love everyone and miss you. Thanks for the comments and keep em coming – it is soooooo great to ‘connect’ with you via the blog – a bit of home. Thanks again.